The regular meeting of the Town Board of Burnhamville Township was held January 31, 2012 at the Burtrum Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by chairman Mike Berscheit. Members present include Supervisors: Mike Berscheit, Louis Thompson, Bruce Johnson; Clerk Shirley Hulinsky; and Treasurer Pam Throener. Others present: Tom Kuehne, Erv Herdering.
Sup. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 27, 2011 regular meeting. Motion seconded by Sup. Johnson . Motion passed.
Correspondence included notices about the Long Prairie Fire Department township meeting, information on a wetlands seminar, dust control supplier advertising and a letter from Minnesota State Rep. Mary Franson.
A township resident came to comment on the condition of 184th Street. This road is very rough due to winter conditions and heavy use from the fishing access on Swan Lake and more year round homes. Several ideas were discussed for road maintenance and quotes will be discussed at the next meeting.
Motion was made by Sup. Berscheit to pay all bills numbered 4581 through 4591: Rev. $885.94, R&B $3,611.00. Sup. Thompson seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Looking forward to road improvements, a supervisor will talk to land owners along 210th Street about possible placement of washout chutes in the ditches.
The Todd County Snowmobile Trail permit was discussed. As this has been in use for several years Sup. Johnson made a motion to approve the presented permit. Sup. Thompson seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The board heard reports of the Grey Eagle Fire Department/City Hall building needing money for roof repairs. The supervisors will look into funding for this project.
March 13, 2012 is the annual township election and meeting. Sup. Berscheit made a motion to appoint the following for election judges. Pam Throener, Terri Holmgrem, Dorothy Strassburg and Gloria Hobbs as alternate. The motion was seconded by Sup. Thompson. Also, the absentee ballot board, if needed, was appointed as Pam Throener and Dorothy Strassburg with Terri Holmgren as alternate. Motion was made by Sup. Berscheit and seconded by Sup. Johnson. Motions passed.
Treasurer’s report showed a balance of $165,423.16 before tonight’s bills. There are two CD’s due for renewal. Board agreed to renew for same term on a motion by Sup. Berscheit and seconded by Sup. Thompson. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Sup. Berscheit to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Sup. Thompson. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Next regular meeting will be on February 28, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Burtrum Community Center which will include auditing of the clerk and treasurer‘s books.
These are unofficial minutes.
Shirley Hulinsky, Clerk