The regular meeting of the Town Board of Burnhamville was held March 29, 2022 at the Burtrum Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Clerk Shirley Hulinsky. Members present include Supervisors Bruce Johnson, Mike Berscheit and Joe Muellner; Clerk Shirley Hulinsky; and Treasurer Pam Throener. Also present was Erv Herdering.
Newly re-elected officers were sworn in before this meeting.
Sup. Johnson made a motion to select Mike Berscheit as chair for this term. Motion was seconded by Sup. Muellner. Sup. Muellner made a motion to select Bruce Johnson as vice chair. Motions passed.
The minutes from the regular meeting of February 22, 2022 were approved on a motion by Sup. Johnson and second by Sup. Muellner. Motion passed.
For correspondence the township received letters from US Census about another survey, notices of local weed inspection training meeting on April 13, online short course training for township officers, road maintenance information, and resident concerns on 321st Ave cart-way condition. Sup. Johnson suggested we get more road closed and caution signs to use when road conditions are poor.
A motion was made by Sup. Berscheit to pay all bills numbered 6213 through 6234 totaling $27,949.35. Sup. Muellner seconded the motion. Motion passed.
As part of the reorganization after the annual meeting and elections the board discussed wages. Sup. Berscheit made a motion to set wages at $25 per hour for use of chainsaw, skid steer or other such power equipment, other hourly wages will be $15 per hour. Other monthly wages will remain the same at $80 for supervisors and treasurer, $225 for clerk. Extra meetings during a month that the township hosts will be $80. Motion was seconded by Sup. Muellner. Sup. Berscheit set the mileage rate as the current IRS rate. Sup. Muellner seconded the vote. Sup. Berscheit made a motion to have the regular township meetings as the last Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the Burtrum Community Center. Motion was seconded by Sup. Johnson. Sup. Johnson motioned to have the Long Prairie Leader as our official publishing paper and the Burtrum Fire Bell bulletin board as the official posting site. Motion was seconded by Sup. Berscheit. After discussion, the gopher bounty was set at $3 per tail for gophers trapped in Burnhamville Township on a motion by Sup. Berscheit and a second by Sup. Muellner. Upon vote all motions passed.
The board will do annual spring road inspection with the contractor on April 22 at 2 pm.
The Township will have the annual clean-up day on May 21st from 9 to 11 am on Main Street in Burtrum. There will be charges for some items.
In the road report two culverts needed to be steamed open and 210th Street needed a culvert replaced. Most of the spring thaw is going slow and okay. After reviewing bids, Sup. Berscheit made a motion to approve the dust control contract with Herdering, Inc. for $0.82 per foot at 18 feet wide. Sup. Johnson seconded the motion. Burnhamville Township will again pay for half of the coverage and land owners paying half where requested by residents. Sup. Johnson made a motion to accept the gravel contract from Herdering, Inc. and Sup. Muellner seconded the motion. Sup. Berscheit made a motion to accept the road blading contract from Herdering, Inc. The motion was seconded by Sup. Muellner. Upon vote all motions passed.
Treasurer’s report showed a balance of $90,067.60. Sup. Berscheit motioned to approve and Sup. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion passed. The clerk and treasurer will need to transfer funds between Revenue, ARPA and Road and Bridge Funds to cover expenses.
A motion was made by Sup. adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Sup. Johnson. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, April 26 at 7 pm in the Burtrum Community Center.
Shirley Hulinsky, Burnhamville Township Clerk