The regular meeting of the Town Board of Burnhamville was held May 25, 2021 at the Burtrum Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Mike Berscheit. Members present include Supervisors: Bruce Johnson, Mike Berscheit, Joe Muellner; Clerk Shirley Hulinsky; Treasurer Pam Throener. Erv Herdering was also present.
The minutes from the regular meeting of April 27, 2021 were approved as presented on a motion by Sup. Johnson and was seconded by Sup. Berscheit. Motion passed.
For correspondence the township received letters certifying township mileage, Minnesota Township Association cards, planning and zoning notices, taxes received and information on American Rescue Act.
For the planning and zoning the township was alright with the improvements as long as septic systems are incompliance, the neighbors are ok with the distance to the lake and access to campsites are acceptable.
A motion was made by Sup. Muellner to pay all bills numbered 6097 through 6109: Rev. $856.32; R & B $36,983.04; Fire $8,760.50. Sup. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The contractor has started spraying dust control. He has had to haul water on some roads before he could spray the product. In a supply chain problem he was unable to get all the product in, but has just now received more and will continue spraying more areas when weather conditions allow.
Clean up day went well. The dumpsters were lined up on Main Street and residents filled four dumpsters and a truck. Prices may need to be adjusted next year.
Township received more information on the American Rescue Plan. For now the board will let the county handle the funds as township does not have personnel to handle issues.
The township will decide ditch mowing bids next month.
Treasurer’s report showed a balance of $75,978.31. Sup. Berscheit motioned to approve and Sup. Muellner seconded motion. Motion passed.
One land owner on 331st would like to add tile to the road. Supervisor will check on work and certificate of insurance will be required. Sup. Johnson also noted that trees in that area need to be trimmed back from overhanging road. He will get quotes.
A motion was made by Sup. Berscheit to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Sup. Johnson. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m. Next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, June 29 at 7 pm in the Burtrum Community Center.
Shirley Hulinsky, Burnhamville Township Clerk