The regular meeting of the Town Board of Burnhamville was held October 29, 2019 at the Burtrum Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Mike Berscheit. Members present include Supervisors: Bruce Johnson, Joe Muellner, Mike Berscheit; Clerk Shirley Hulinsky; Treasurer Pam Throener. Erv Herdering was also present.
The minutes from the regular meeting of September 24, 2019 were approved as presented on a motion by Sup. Johnson and was seconded by Sup. Berscheit. Motion passed.
For correspondence the township board members received letters from planning and zoning hearing which the board had no issue with, annual weed inspection report, notice of census training for township officials, web design offer, and an opioid class action lawsuit information from another state.
Sup. Berscheit made a motion for resolution # 2019-3 stating Burtrum Community Center is the official polling place for Burnhamville Township for 2019. Motion was seconded by Sup. Muellner. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Sup. Johnson to pay all bills numbered 5824 through 5841: Rev. $1,106.70; R & B $8,920.37; Fire 18,865.72. Sup. Berscheit seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Sup. Johnson made a motion to approve the Swanville Rural Fire Association contract as presented. Motion was seconded by Sup. Muellner. Motion passed.
In the road report the supervisors agreed to leave the holding pond alone on Dunlin Road for this year. Duckweed Drive has a ditch issue. A supervisor and road contractor will view it.
Treasurer’s report showed a balance of $40,200.78. Treasurer’s report was approved by Sup. Berscheit and seconded by Sup. Johnson. Motion passed.
The clerk distributed new time sheets for extra work the board members do.
A motion was made by Sup. Berscheit to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Sup. Johnson. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. Next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 7 p.m. in the Burtrum Community Center.
Shirley Hulinsky, Burnhamville Township Clerk