Burtrum City
August 6, 2012
The meeting of the Burtrum City Council was called to order at 7 p.m. on Monday, August 6th by Mayor Allen. All members answered roll call except Anna Payne.
Minutes of the July 2nd meeting were read and approved on a motion by Jenny Ahrendt and seconded by Clara Taft. Upon vote motion carried.
Finance report was given and approved on a motion by Ron Strassburg and seconded by Clara Taft. Upon vote motion carried. Checks number 7004 thru 7012 were approved for payment on a motion by Clara Taft and seconded by Ron Strassburg. Upon vote motion carried.
The Todd County Attorney’s contract was presented to the council. After some discussion, a motion was made by Jenny Ahrendt and seconded by Ron Strassburg to accept the contract. Upon vote motion carried.
The Initiative Foundation requested a donation from the city. A motion was made by Clara Taft and seconded by Ron Strassburg to send them $100 as we have in the past. Upon vote motion carried.
A motion was made by Jenny Ahrendt and seconded by Ron Strassburg not to change the election judges wage. Upon vote motion carried.
Due to the Labor Day holiday, the September meeting will be held on Tuesday, September. 4th.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Jenny Ahrendt and seconded by Clara Taft. Upon vote motion carried.
These are unapproved minutes.
Dorothy Strassburg, Burtrum City Clerk