Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:06 P.M by Mayor Ulbricht. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. City Council Members in attendance: Mayor Jenae Ublbricht, Romie Gessell, Sara Macho, Irene Ehlert and Juli Scherping. City Clerk, Brooke Thieschafer.
Approval of Agenda: Ehlert added Mayor Vacancy to New Business. Ehlert made a motion, Sara Macho supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Macho made a motion to approve. Ehlert supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of Bills: Macho made a motion to approve. Gessell supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Todd County Sheriff’s Report: City Clerk went over the monthly report and 2024 report.
Bean Bake: No cabinet at this time. Ron and Sandy will get a date together to clean out.
Kitchen Clean Out: We need the size of the sink to the Construction Guy. Sink will stay the same location.
Kitchen Auction: To follow after Kitchen Clean
AED Refill: City Clerk will reach out.
Match to Match – Bathroom upgrade. Everything updated remove one toilet out of the women’s bathroom, faucet, top coat, fencing around play ground and hoops. Increase to $50K. Contact MnDOT on the road resurfacing. Brooke will have updated.
New Business:
a. 2025 Raises: City Clerk to increase monthly salary 3.0%. Effective February 2025 monthly wage will be $670.
b. Moving City Sign: The council has decided to relocate the Welcome sign. We will contact a couple other landowners for permission to. Ehlert made a motion and Scherping supported. All in favor, motion carried.
c. Attorney Contract with Quinlivinan & Hughes: Gessell made a motion and Ehlert supported. All in favor, motion carried.
d. Local Weed: Terri Velkamp will be the weed inspector.
e. Mayor Vacancy: Mayor is relocating. Plan is to move at the end of May. Mayor Jenae Ulbricht gave official Resignation effective Resolution 1-7-2025. Ehlert made a motion to appoint Romie Gessell as Mayor. Scherping support. All in favor, motion carried. Gessell made a motion to appoint Ulbricht to City County effective February 4th, 2025. All in favor, motion carried. Put out applications for an open city council seat.
Brooke Thieschafer, City Clerk