Burtrum City
July 2, 2012
The meeting of the Burtrum City Council was called to order on Monday, July 2, 2012 at 7 p.m. by Mayor Allen. All members answered roll call.
Minutes of the June 4th meeting were read and approved on a motion by Jenny Ahrendt and seconded by Ron Strassburg. Upon vote motion carried.
Finance report was given and accepted on a motion by Anna Payne and seconded by Clara Taft. Upon vote motion carried. On a motion by Clara Taft and seconded by Ron Strassburg, checks number 6995 thru 7003 were approved for payment. Upon vote motion carried.
There was no old business.
A few citizens were at the meeting to question the council if the County Sheriff was needed to patrol the town. After much discussion, the council decided the patrol was necessary to keep the town from having a lot of problems. We only contract for 12 hours a month.
Jason Theisen was at the meeting to request a building permit to replace the shed which burned down. Permit was granted on a motion by Jenny Ahrendt and seconded by Ron Strassburg. Upon vote motion carried.
After some discussion we decided to contract with Rahn’s Propane for 800 gallons and to have a summer fill on a motion by Anna Payne and seconded by Clara Taft. Upon vote motion carried.
The Central Minnesota Tractor Club requested a 3-2 beer license for their Heritage Days on August 25th and 26th, 2012. License was approved at $35 per day on a motion by Ron Strassburg and seconded by Clara Taft. Upon vote motion carried.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Jenny Ahrendt and seconded by Clara Taft. Upon vote motion carried.
These are unapproved minutes.
Dorothy Strassburg, City Clerk