Call to Order: 7:01 PM. Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda – Juli Scherping made a motion to approve. Sara Macho supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: February 2025 Sara Macho made a motion to approve. Juli Scherping supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of Bills -Sara Macho made a motion to approve. Irene Ehlert supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Todd County Sheriff’s Report
Bollig Engineering Update
Mayor Gessell gave an introduction for Mark from Bollig Engineering. Gave a quick run down of the process of where we are going. The city is just looking into the possibilities.
Mark – This is just a preliminary meeting. This is an engineering report. It gives a lay out where things might go and the cost. The sewers, the pipes, etc. It is a funding vehicle to go out and look for grants for low loans. It is an approximation of what it may look like and what it may cost. This PR is required if we need to go out and get those grant funds. This is a review and the proposal of what things will cost. The council will need approval for submitting to Rural Development to review for the funding package. This report will be finished over the next month or so and sent to the USDA. The USDA takes about 1-2 years to respond. Not sure the reason behind the long wait period. The pricing may change over that period, and pricing will need to be adjusted at that time.
Are we in the ballpark with what the city wants to spend? The dollar amounts do look scary. What this PR is for is a funding mechanism. We are showing a system that meets the needs for this area. We will send out to all these grant agencies. The city is not obligated to spend all this money. They are just looking for approval for this PR to get the ball moving forward.
Mark presented a map. There are some failing septics in the city limits. USDA requires a city to inspect 10% of the septics. The city hired Big Stone to do inspection of all septics. There were a total of 8 septics inspected. All failed/non-conforming. It is taken seriously. It is a trigger for getting funding. There are up/down sides to having septic. Some negatives are the distance between the system and house. The mound takes up space in the yard. There is a benefit to residents on the city system.
Mark gave examples of where the sewer system could go. Mark did reach out to the DOT, to let them know that the city is exploring these options. There will be a gravity collection system. An image was shown on what a gravity collection system looks like.
Mark gave an example of a treatment pond. The location of the pond has yet to be determined. No property owners have been spoken to yet. There will need to be 2 options. Options 1 would be for the City of Burtrum, city limits only. Option 2 would be the City of Burtrum plus Swan Lake and Long Lake. The lake association presidents have been reached out to but very informal at this time. A map was presented with locations of Swan Lake and Long Lake.
A slide was shown as a potential sewer pond. There are rules and regulations that factor into where the pond will be. Looking for at least 10 acres upper to 20 acres. It is nice to be closer to a creek or some sort of moving water, and gravel road. Not wanting to pressure any land owners now. The main thing right now to know is their options.
The Sewer System for the city and lakes is roughly around 35 million dollars. We are just asking for money right now. For just the City of Burtrum the cost would be about 9 million dollars, but way less users. West Union is currently in the middle of a sewer collection system with Bollig. Their project is roughly 8 million dollars. Mark suggested reaching out to the mayor, council members, or residents to see how the project is going over there. The advantage to approving this, we are getting in line. Since the turn around time is potentially years. Asking the council for approving the PR to turn it in to get in front of other projects.
Any eligible cost above that would be grant funding. Funding agencies look at 100s of projects that get submitted. They look at what the city can afford. They need more or less grant money.
Open Floor:
Questions about approving the grants. Are there different grants from last time? What percentage could be approved. The council gave $5000 last time to research.
Mark – It is a process that takes awhile, and I think getting in the line is the best thing to do. We have to finalize this and turn it in. At the end of the waiting period, that is when they give you the funding package. It can take 1-2 years.
If you have a bad sewer, you are looking at 3-4 years to get a new sewer.
Mark – Talked to the county a couple of months ago. And someone is selling a house and the septic fails. The county would suspend the requirements for a passing septic until known status of the project.
Why did you not include Mound Lake?
Mark – Unsure, will look into it.
Did Swanville say no?
Mark – Do not hold me to it, but they might be interested. But they have other projects going on. They want to finish that up prior to starting another project.
Mark – It is a lot of money, but if you can stay in the fight. Keep letting us do this project. It is long, it is the federal government. It all takes time.
The recommendation is leading with the sewer system with the lake residents.
There is no extra cost in the large bill that was approved last year, if approved tonight. Sometimes there are extra costs if the city is looking for grants above and beyond. Sometimes the Cities will go to the state and ask for extra funding. We need to see what comes in from normal granting funds first.
Irene Ehlert made a motion to move forward with the PR report. Juli Scherping supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Mark wanted to note things may be a little quiet for a period of time. But do know that is a normal process. He is always willing to come to a meeting to give an update. Anyone needs anything from Mark, he’s always available. Mayor Gessell did want to communicate moving forward. Mayor Gessell did call a past client of Bollig, and had nothing but great things about Bollig.
Asking about a building permit. Asking about chickens. Asking about liquor license for the Heritage Club. City will need a completed application for the permit.
Announcements: Easter Egg Hunt April 19th at 12:00 PM
Adjournment: Sara Macho made a motion to adjourn at 8:06 PM and Juli Scherping supported. All in favor.
Brooke Thieschafer, Clerk