Present: Jenae Ulbricht, Irene Ehlert, Juli Scherping, Chad Landowski and Brooke Thieschafer. Others present: Steve Marty, Bobby Velkamp, Adam Ulbricht.
Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Ulbricht called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Irene Ehlert seconded by Juli Scherping. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Motion by Juli Scherping, seconded by Chad Landowski. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of Bills: Total bills for the month were: $6,041.029. Deposits totaling: $411.00. Motion by Irene Ehlert seconded by Juli Scherping. All in favor, motion carried.
Old Business: Handicap Railings at Community Center: Mike Berscheit said the township of Burnhamville would be willing to chip in costs toward the handicap railings. Romie Gessell was absent from this meeting and will follow up at the next scheduled meeting.
City Phone Number/Wi-Fi Community Center: Mayor Ulbricht went over pricing and listing options. The Mayor had great examples of what each plan all entailed and price points. Mayor Ulbricht explained the permitting of the wi-fi, and changing the password monthly through an app on all different options. No discussion was made at this time until all board members are present.
City locks: Mayor Ulbricht went over three quotes. Most locks will require Wi-Fi. Will report back at the next meeting. No action needed at this time.
City Clean Up Bid: City Clean up day is scheduled for May 20th, 2023 from 9am-11am. Mike Berscheit from the township was present and went over pricing for items. No hazardous waste. The city clerk, Brooke Theischafer, will make flyers to post. Mayor Ulbricht asked if the township needed assistance from the council. Mike stated they have it covered. Chad Landowski made motion to approve, seconded by Irene Ehlert. All in favor, motion carried.
Quinlivan & Hughes (city attorney): No update.
City Sign/Logo: Mayor Ulbricht brought print outs of all the examples of logos submitted by the Central Lake College students. Those present at the meeting were able to review. The board discussed how we were going to vote on the logo. Eligible voters must be within the city or township limits. Discussed to see if the Grey Eagle/Burtrum Lions would consider donating toward the sign. City Council picked the top 7 logos, and voters will choose only one from those 7. Mayor Ulbricht is donating $100 of her personal money toward the winner of the logo that is chosen.
New Business: Grants: Mayor Ulbricht stated we missed the Grant deadline for the year. She did discuss there are grants specifically for updating Community Centers. There also was a Memorial Grant, but that had a deadline of 5-1-23. There is also grants for smaller communities. A discussion was had with the board to see what peaked their interest. The city would look into hiring a grant writer who specializes in writing grants to help assist since there is very certain language and verbiage the grants need. Once the board decides on a grant, quotes would be needed and submitted with the grants. No final discussions were made at this time.
Office/Backroom: Mayor Ulbricht, Brooke Thieschafer, Sandy Prout and City Council Member Juli Scherping cleaned up and organized the office at the Community Center. Juli is going to look at pricing for a Rubbermaid storage container to purchase to store our cleaning supplies. Juli will have pricing at next month’s meeting. Looking for help to organize and clean up the back room as well.
Bean Bake Rental: Steve Hoppy was present and asked if the board had made a decision on pricing. Irene Elhert mentioned the popular weekends. Bean Bake used to happen during the week. Right now the city is looking at charging the Bean Bake group $150 to use the community center for 2-3 days. Discussion was had on all the prepping that takes place and how many days the group needs the center. Bean Bake group is looking at using the community center for 8-9 days potentially, most of those being weekends days. On average the money raised for this event is $2000 after funds are taken out for supplies. Mayor Ulbricht talked about an option of giving a certain percentage back to the community of the profits made. No discussion was made at this time.
Add to the Agenda: Building Permit: Budda is looking to build a 36×40 garage and is looking for approval and building permit. Chad Landowski made a motion to approve. Irene Elhart seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Open Floor: Bobby Velkamp asked what is the plan for the plow truck? Discussion was had on the maintenance of the truck and talked about options of purchasing a new one. Looking at the State of MN when they sell their trucks. Look at possible contracting the snow plowing out for the winter. No further decision was made at this time.
Mike Berscheit stated 331st Road was really bad. The township is willing to share the costs of inspections and repairs to the road to ensure safety and keep the water off. Will work on getting a quote. No further decision was made at this time.
Chad Landowski talked about repairs to the roads within the city limits, talked about the wide roads and dust control costs. Mayor Ulbricht has the city of docket.
Irene Elhert stated the speed sign was put on the wrong side of town. There was a grant for this sign. Would also like a speed sign on the other end of town as well. No further decision was made at this time.
Adam Ulbricht talked about who is in charge of the Memorial parade that takes place on Memorial Day. Bobby Velkamp stated his father is. The parade starts at 11am. Show up if you want to participate. Line-up for the parade starts by the school. A flyer will be made and posted on the City Page. The Mayor and City Clerk will work pull permitting with the county.
Announcements: Mayor Ulbricht acknowledges the following people: Bobby Veldkamp for plowing the snow. Brooke Thieschafer, Juli Scherping and Sandy Prout for helping with the office. Chad Landowski for taking care of the Christmas Lights.
Adjournment: Motion by Chad Landowski, seconded by Irene Elhert to adjourn meeting at 8:18 P.M. Motion carried.
Next City Council Meeting is scheduled for June 6th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes not approved.
Brooke Thieschafer, City Clerk-Treasurer