Burtrum City
June 4, 2012
The meeting of the Burtrum City Council was called to order on Monday, June 4, 2012 at 7 p.m. by Mayor Allen. All members answered roll call.
Minutes of the May 7th meeting were read and approved on a motion by Clara Taft and seconded by Jenny Ahrendt. Upon vote motion carried.
The finance report was given and accepted on a motion by Anna Payne and seconded by Ron Strassburg. Upon vote motion carried. Checks number 6981 thru 6994 were approved for payment on a motion by Jenny Ahrendt and seconded by Clara Taft. Upon vote motion carried.
Under old business, the Memorial Day activities were discussed. It was decided to table the matter until April 2013.
Under new business, several maintenance projects will be repaired. Election judges were appointed to take election training.
Being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Clara Taft and seconded by Anna Payne. Upon vote motion carried.
These are unapproved minutes.
Dorothy Strassburg, Clerk