Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M by Mayor Ulbricht. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. City Council Members in attendance: Mayor Jenae Ublbricht, Romie Gessell, Sara Macho, Irene Ehlert and Juli Scherping, and City Clerk Brooke Thieschafer.
Approval of Agenda: The Mayor added under New Business, Greg Eagle Fire Contract. Scherping made a motion to approve. Macho supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Gessell made a motion to approve. Scherping supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of Bills: Macho made a motion to approve. Gessell supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Todd County Sheriff’s Report: City Clerk went over the monthly report.
Todd County Recycling: Mike Eberle from the County was present to give an update – Last meeting he was in attendance was July. Eberle stated the site is built and established. Next step is looking for fencing quotes. What kind of fencing would the city like? Fencing would be installed in the spring 2025. Fully operational in June 2025. No cost with the fencing from the city funds. Another thing to discuss is whether to have it locked or not. Eberle explained less issues if locked. If the city decides to go the locked route, someone has to be in charge of opening and closing. Other counties have a scheduled time it is open, options to not have it open during the weekend. If you have it locked you can have it controlled. There will be yard lights installed. Another thing to consider is remote cameras on sites. If there is a problem we have a video to look back at. If we use the camera system we will have to get internet service.
Cost would be around $10,000. Expanded the entrance to the site. Last thing is seeding and sodding. Touch base and follow up to Mike by February 2025, so we can get the containers ordered. Gessell wanted to confirm all expenses are paid through the grant program, Eberle did confirm. The monthly fee would be on the city for internet services, but not the installation.
There will be signs created with whatever needed: hours of operation and service time, etc.
There will be 2 bins – Cardboard and recycling. Need to know from the council: fencing, hours of operations, and cameras. Fencing would be galvanized fencing, it is up to the city on style.
Maintenance free. Keep in mind about snow removal. The council agreed to have cameras.
Council agreed to do a locked facility. The council members will get back to Mike about the signage verbiage and fencing. Another to do is to get a mailing list to all the city residents, and what is acceptable. The county will provide all the information needed for the mailers. The recycling bins are for City of Burtrum residents only. The mayor will contact T-mobile about the internet about getting internet out there.
2025 City Prosecution Contract for prosecution of misdemeanor/gross misdemeanor offenses: Romie Gessell made a motion to approve, Sara Macho supported. All in favor, motion carried. Signed contract was given to the County Attorney who was present.
City Sign Updates: Both signs installed, and project complete.
Snow Plowing for the upcoming season/DOT: Plow truck goes in 11/13/24 for inspection.
Driver is unknown at this time. Issue with the back alley behind the City Hall. If that can not get plowed Terri Velkamp will plow with her skid steer.
Loud trucks: Issue seems to have improved.
New Business
Permits: None
Approval of the Levy: The Levy was presented to the council. Sara Macho made a motion, Juli supported. All in favor, motion carried. Resolution 2024-11-15
Bean Bake: A few members of the Bean Bake Committee proposed some ideas. Selling equipment to the Bean Bake directly, as the city owns most of the equipment. Burtrum and Grey Eagle Lions have donated the equipment as well. It is technically the city property, but the Bean Bake would like to own it. For upcoming construction purposes, it was discussed what all needs to be removed from the kitchen that belongs to the Bean Bake. Get a pricing list of all items. Sandy will provide a list to the city of items they are wanting to purchase. Items of the bean bake will be removed, and they will take what is theirs. Contact Seth and Sandy for all email communications about the Bean Bake. Council requested a list of items bean bake will remove that is theirs. The stoves will not be updated in the kitchen remodel project. There is a roaster missing. Sandy suggested inventory check after each rental. Debbie could take inventory after each rental when she cleans. City clerk will email the current inventory list to Seth and Sandy. Seth suggested having everything locked and having to sign in/out sheet of all equipment. The Bean Bake will be moving their meetings to a different location. Bean Bake will be the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday of October 2025. Question about the outside faucet.
The city will look at adding to any future grants programs in 2025. Terri Velkamp donated a new roaster to the Bean Bake. Someone from the Bean Bake will contact Terri directly to get the roaster. The deep freezer belongs to the Bean Bake. Someone suggested checking the well pump.
Kitchen Clean Out/Removal of Cabinets: Discussion was had on how to renovate/remove the cabinets for the upcoming kitchen model. No decision was made at this time. Table til next meeting.
Kitchen Auction Items: Table for now, no decision was made at this time.
AED Refill: The company will take responsibility for replacing them. Look to have an extra set of pads to have as a backup. Look at backup pads from other cities in case of a delay.
Santa Day: December 22nd, 2024. Hot chocolate, santa and sleigh ride at the Cabooze. Looking for vendors to bring in.
Sourcewell Match to Match Funds 2023-2024: Officially Closed. Looking at the future Match to Match Funds. Ideas: Speed Signs, outside faucets.
Open Floor: None
Announcements: Santa Day December 22nd, 2024.
Adjournment: Irene Ehlert made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 PM. Juli Schpering supporting. All in favor, motion carried.
Next City Council meeting is scheduled for December 3rd, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Community Center.
Brooke Thieschafer, City Clerk