The Truth in Taxation meeting was called to order by Mayor Joseph Arnzen at 6:30 pm on the 10th of December 2024 in Council Chambers. Council members present were Brad Johnson, Brian Hollenkamp, Roland Ahrendt and Chris Browen. There were no council members absent. Also in attendance was Beth Ramacher.
The purpose of the Truth in Taxation meeting is to allow residents an opportunity to comment on or express concerns regarding the 2025 budget and levy. There were no residents in attendance.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 pm. A second was made by Brad Johnson and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
Beth Ramacher, Clerk/Treasurer
Grey Eagle City • December 10, 2024
The regular meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council was called to order by Mayor Joseph Arnzen at 7:00 pm on the 10th day of December 2024 in Council Chambers. Council members present were Brad Johnson, Brian Hollenkamp, Roland Ahrendt & Chris Browen. There were no council members absent. Also in attendance were Dan Berscheid and Beth Ramacher and guests: Tim Korby, Larry Van Hout and Dominic Kerzman.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to approve the agenda. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Brad Johnson to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2024 meeting. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
Tim Korby from SEH was present to discuss possible funding opportunities for a new well and water treatment plant upgrade.
Larry Van Hout from Widseth was present to discuss the recent water treatment plant walk-through he did with Bryan Bye (Widseth) and Greg Stang (People Service). He also talked about funding options for a new well and water treatment plant upgrade. Bryan Bye will be at the January meeting to provide more information and discussion.
Fire Chief, Dan Berscheid, was present to discuss the 2006 Chevy truck purchased from the DNR. He shared quotes received for paint and work needed to get this truck usable as a grass rig. He is going to present the quotes to the entire fire department as well.
The Grey Eagle Relief Association requested a change to the current bylaws which would increase the yearly benefits by $100. A motion was made by Brad Johnson to increase the pension by $100, to $1600 per year served. A second was made by Brian Hollenkamp and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Roland Ahrent to approve the application for $2000 Boost Funding from Sourcewell for Public Safety. A second was made by Brad Johnson and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
Discussion was held on the website regarding the business section. The business section will be omitted from the new website.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to approve the 2024 Audit Engagement letter from Brian D. Koehn, CPA, PLLC. A second was made by Brad Johnson and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to approve the 2025 Legal Services Contract with Quinlivan & Hughes, PA. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Roland Ahrendt to approve the purchase of investments for 2024 ($30,000 Fire Department, $3000 Streets and $3000 Sewer). A second was made by Brad Johnson and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Chris Browen to rescind the motion to approve the 2023 budgeted transfer of $13,239 from the General Fund to the Fire Fund (February 13, 2024 meeting). A second was made by Brad Johnson and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
Discussion was held on snow removal in the alley south of Main Street. No changes will be made/allowed for the season.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to approve Resolution 2024-28: Resolution Accepting $1375 from Sourcewell for Consultant Reimbursement FY 24-25. A second was made by Brad Johnson and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried. The resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, money has been received from Sourcewell; and
WHEREAS, the City Council feels that the donation will benefit citizens of the area;
1. That the City Council of the City of Grey Eagle formally accepts the funds ($250, $775 and $350) from Sourcewell for Consultant Reimbursement for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
2. That the City Clerk is authorized and directed to make the appropriate revenue and expenditure budget adjustments as needed to reflect this funding and its intended use.
Adopted by the Grey Eagle City Council this 10th day of December 2024.
A motion was made by Brad Johnson to approve Resolution 2024-29: Accepting $100 Donation from American Legion Post 417 for the Veterans Program. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried. The resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, money has been donated by American Legion Post 417; and
WHEREAS, the City Council feels that the donation will benefit citizens of the area;
1. That the City Council of the City of Grey Eagle formally accepts the donation from American Legion Post 417 for the Veterans Program.
2. That the City Clerk is authorized and directed to make the appropriate revenue and expenditure budget adjustments as needed to reflect this donation and its intended use.
Adopted by the Grey Eagle City Council this 10th day of December 2024.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to approve Resolution 2024-30: Accepting $46,447.33 from Sourcewell for Match Funds FY 24-25. A second was made by Chris Browen and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried. The resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, money has been received from Sourcewell; and
WHEREAS, the City Council feels that the donation will benefit citizens of the area;
1. That the City Council of the City of Grey Eagle formally accepts the funds from Sourcewell for Community Impact Funds for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
2. That the City Clerk/Treasurer is authorized and directed to make the appropriate revenue and expenditure budget adjustments as needed to reflect this funding and its intended use.
Adopted by the Grey Eagle City Council this 10th day of December 2024.
A motion was made by Brad Johnson to approve Resolution 2024-31: Adopting Final Levy Payable in 2025. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried. The resolution is as follows:
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following final levy for 2025 was approved by the Grey Eagle City Council on this 10th day of December 2024.
General $106,414.00 66%
Street Improvement Project $19,500.00 12%
Street Restoration $34,456.00 22%
TOTAL $160,370.00 100%
Adopted by the Grey Eagle City Council this 10th day of December 2024.
A motion was made by Roland Ahrendt to approve payment of Claims #3307-3330, totaling $18,018.94 and include additional payments of the following: Town Web $2020.00 and MN Power $2179.05. A second was made by Chris Browen and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm. A second was made by Brad Johnson and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The next regular meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 in Council Chambers.
Beth Ramacher, Clerk/Treasurer