The special meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council was called to order by Mayor Joseph Arnzen at 7:00 pm on the 21st day of January 2025 in Council Chambers. Council members present were Brad Johnson, Brian Hollenkamp, Roland Ahrendt and Chris Browen. There were no council members absent. Also in attendance were Leon Althaus and Beth Ramacher.
Various maintenance items were discussed: snow removal, the New Holland tractor, lawn mowing at the cemetery and schedules for maintenance workers. Heating part of the existing shop was also discussed and might be an option to include on a future Sourcewell funding application.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to adjourn the meeting at 7:38pm. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The next regular meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 in Council Chambers.
Beth Ramacher, Clerk/Treasurer