The regular meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council was called to order by Mayor Joseph Arnzen at 7:00 p.m., on the 11th day of June 2019 in council chambers. Council members present were Roland Ahrendt and Thom Muellner. Council members Bill Pohlmann and Brian Hollenkamp were absent. Also in attendance were Chico Hellmann, Lori Hellmann and guests Tim and Barb Ainali.
A motion was made by Thom Muellner to approve the amended agenda. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Thom Muellner to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2019 meeting as written. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
At 7:03 p.m. council member Brian Hollenkamp joined the meeting.
The council discussed the current subdivision ordinance as a response to a letter to the editor in the Hometown News. County ordinances do not apply to property located within the city and prior to any subdivision ordinance taking effect the county did not approve any property line adjustments in the city. The city must abide by State Statutes and can be more restrictive than these statutes but cannot be less restrictive. Any possible changes to the ordinance may be done after consideration by the council and under the guidance of the City Attorney.
Chico reported that there were no issues this past month and lawn mowing is going well.
The council discussed possible recycling. In order to have this service provided by Tom’s Refuse, it would require 100% participation, and an additional cost of $3 per month per resident. The Clerk was instructed to contact Tom’s Refuse to see if other options would be available.
The council reviewed the court fines list provided by the City Attorney. A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to impose a $75 fine for each violation of the following city ordinances: unreasonable acceleration, unreasonable breaking, no muffler – recreational vehicle, illegal parking of semi or semitrailer, illegal parking, parking in restrictive area, continuous parking, loading zone violation, animal running at large, and failure to clean up animal waste. A second was made by Thom Muellner and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The council discussed property clean up. Follow up letters will be sent to those where no effort has been made to clean- up, letters will be sent for properties that have not mowed the lawns and unlicensed vehicles. The City Clerk has been in contact with the corporate office for Dollar General regarding the un-mowed lawn.
The council discussed the status of the chickens that were being kept. It appears that the residents have complied with the letter. The council would like to remind residents that farm animals are not allowed unless approved by resolution by the Council.
The council discussed the out-of-state travel policy. This policy is only for elected officials as a City employee would need to seek approval to attend training. A motion was made by Roland Ahrendt to approve the Out-of-State Travel Policy for Elected Officials. A second was made by Brian Hollenkamp and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
After some discussion by the Council it was determined that they would not be hosting National Night Out. The council will revisit this for next year.
The council discussed the culvert on Minnesota Street West and Lake Street. Chico will take care of the removal of the trees.
A building permit was approved by Mayor Joseph Arnzen for Jim Tschida to put in a cement slab for a hot tub and for a 12’ x 24’ portable shed. The placement of the cement slab/hot tub and the portable shed will need to abide by the setback requirements.
The Council is waiting on a quote from Mick Flood before making any decisions on the old City Hall.
The council discussed wages for the 2020 budget. The Clerk is requesting more paid health insurance in lieu of a pay increase. The city is required to pay a minimum of 50% of any group health plan where eligible employees are required to work 30 hours per week or more to qualify.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to approve covering 75% of employee health coverage beginning January 1, 2020. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Thom Muellner to approve $1.00 per hour increase effective January 1, 2020 for the part time/seasonal employee. A second was made by Brian Hollenkamp and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The council discussed the maintenance position. Chico informed the council at a previous meeting that he would be retiring effective February 1, 2020. The Council will need to discuss what the future of this position will be and how to best serve the City before they will be ready to take applications.
The council discussed unpaid training for the members of the Fire Department. The discussion has been whether they are volunteering their time, or considering it unpaid training. While there may be pros and cons surrounding this, when a vehicle leaves the Fire Hall, they are conducting official Fire Department duties with City equipment and needs to be compensated for the time as well as being covered by City insurance. City insurance protects the vehicle as well as any property owned by other individuals if there is an accident, as well as providing for workers compensation insurance if the Fire Department members were injured in any way. The council also discussed whether or not Fire Equipment should be used to haul water to private individuals.
A motion was made by Roland Ahrendt that any time Fire equipment leaves the hall, the members will be compensated their hourly rate of pay and that no Fire equipment will be used to haul water to private individuals. A second was made by Thom Muellner and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to approve vacation for Clerk and Maintenance Supervisor July 22-28. Matt will cover for Chico and John will take care of the day to day tasks. A second was made by Thom Muellner and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
PJ Signs submitted a proposed new design for the community sign and quoted $100 per sign per side. A motion was made by Thom Muellner to approve the sign design at the quoted price. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The council discussed what would be allowed on the community sign. This sign will only be used for community events and no personal items will be allowed.
Mayor Joseph Arnzen reported that he received a complaint regarding Brinkman Street. The council will take a look at the area and discuss at the July meeting.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to approve the temporary liquor license for the Grey Eagle Burtrum Lions Club for July 21st and 22nd. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Thom Muellner to approve the following fund transfer: $148.25 from General Fund of which $31.25 goes to the Water Fund and $117 goes to the Sewer Fund for Fire Hall, Old City Hall and Library utilities. A second was made by Brian Hollenkamp and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to approve the payment of the bills as listed and to include the payment of the following additional items: $26,579.32 to Central Minnesota Credit Union to pay off Fire Hall Debt Service, $200 to Central Minnesota Credit Union for employee HSA contributions and $207.13 to First State Bank of Swanville for interest due on Interim Financing. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Thom Muellner to adjourn at 8:28 p.m. A second was made by Brian Hollenkamp and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The next regular meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council will be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 in council chambers.
Lori Hellmann, Clerk