The regular meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council was called to order by Mayor Joseph Arnzen at 7:00 p.m., on the 8th day of October 2019 in council chambers. Members present were Roland Ahrendt and Bill Pohlmann. Council members Thom Muellner and Brian Hollenkamp were absent. Also in attendance were Chico Hellmann, Lori Hellmann and guests John Call, Greg Stang, Jeremy Kerzman and Tim Neibling.
A motion was made by Bill Pohlmann to approve the amended agenda. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Roland Ahrendt to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2019 meeting as written. A second was made by Bill Pohlmann and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
Region Manager Greg Stang from People Services was in attendance to discuss their company and what they can provide to the City of Grey Eagle. People Services is a contract water/wastewater company and currently have 70 contracts in Minnesota and they can tailor their services based on individual city needs. Greg will put together some options and prices for the November meeting and stated that it was feasible to have someone in place by February 1, 2020 if that is the direction the council decided to go.
Jeremy Kerzman was in attendance to discuss some costs associated with repairing the interior of the old Village Hall. The recommendation is to remove the upper stage wall and install a new beam, remove the false ceiling and sidewalls, remove and replace the windows in the basement, spray foam and encapsulate the top ceiling and beams, remove and replace the cement pad between the two cement pillars and paint the spray foam for a finished look.
The council discussed the water and sewer hook- up to the shed on the Neibling property. Due to the cost, the amount of rain and the coming of the winter season, the matter will be revisited in the spring.
A motion was made by Bill Pohlmann to approve the purchase of computer and printer from Central Minnesota Computer Services for $1,401. The purchase of the computer and printer will be a reimbursable expense through the sewer project. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The council discussed the large number of dog complaints being received regarding dogs running loose, barking dogs, pet owners not cleaning up waste from their pets, and the number of pets some households have. The Clerk was instructed to send out letters to all residents/property owners regarding the keeping of dogs within the City.
The practice wall by the tennis courts has not been removed as it has been too wet.
A motion was made by Bill Pohlmann to hire Kerzman Construction to remove the upper portion of the stage wall in the Old Village Hall and install a beam for $4,200. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The Council would like to remind residents that beginning November 1st there will be no parking on the two business blocks of Main Street/State Street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m. Also, the Council is reminding residents to refrain from parking vehicles, trailers, etc., on any city street when it is snowing so that snow removal can be taken care of more efficiently.
The council authorized the water to be shut off at the Beilke residence due to the property being vacant.
A motion was made by Bill Pohlmann to approve the Todd County Attorney contract as submitted. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Roland Ahrendt to approve the contract with Herdering Inc., for snow removal for the 2019-2020 season. A second was made by Bill Pohlmann and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
There were no building permits for council consideration.
A motion was made by Bill Pohlmann to approve Resolution No. 2019-10, A Resolution Accepting $100 Donation from Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hughes Jr. for Fire Department Equipment. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The following water/wastewater/maintenance items were discussed:
1. Thein Well submitted a quote to seal the old well next to the Fire Hall for $3,455.
A motion was made by Bill Pohlmann to approve the quote from Thein Well to seal the old well for $3,455. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
2. Chico is requesting attendance to a Minnesota Rural Water Association training session in Waite Park on October 29th regarding winterizing City water systems. The cost is $125 for this one day class.
A motion was made by Roland Ahrendt to approve Chico’s attendance to the Minnesota Rural Water Association training session on October 29th for $125. A second was made by Bill Pohlmann and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
3. Electric Pump had to come in and repair one of the pumps at the East Lift Station. It was found that there were rags wrapped around the pump causing it to malfunction. Residents are reminded that flushable wipes are NOT flushable and cause costly repairs to the lift station pumps.
4. A water leak was found at the Ritter residence and has been repaired.
5. During a recent Minnesota Department of Health inspection of the water plant, it was found that the fan and louvers in the chemical room were not working. Chico will work to get these items fixed as soon as possible.
6. The tractor will not shift into third or fourth gear.
7. There is a resident who has not had a working remote on their water meter for several months now, after repeated promises to get it fixed. The council instructed that a letter be sent informing them that if the remote is not functional by the specified date, then the water will be shut off as they are using the water services and not paying for them.
The Clerk provided the council with a list of eight delinquent utility bills that needs to be assessed to the property taxes. A motion was made by Bill Pohlmann, to authorize the Clerk to assess delinquent utilities to Todd County to be placed the property taxes for collection. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Bill Pohlmann to approve the following fund transfer: $148.12 from the General Fund of which $31.12 goes to the Water Fund and $117 goes to the Sewer Fund for Fire Hall, Library and Old Village Hall utilities. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Bill Pohlmann to approve the payment of bills as listed and to include the payment of the following additional items: $200 to Central Minnesota Credit Union, $200.44 to First State Bank of Swanville, $1,924.57 to Minnesota Power and $37,618.24 to ServPro. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Roland Ahrendt to adjourn the meeting at 9:24 p.m. A second was made by Bill Pohlmann and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
The next regular meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 in council chambers.
Lori Hellmann, Clerk