The special meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council was called to order by Mayor Joseph Arnzen at 6:30 p.m., on the 26th day of March 2019 in council chambers. Council members present were Roland Ahrendt, Thom Muellner, Brian Hollenkamp and Bill Pohlmann. There were no council members absent. Also in attendance were Chico Hellmann, Lori Hellmann and guests Bryan Bye, John and Cathy Walburn, LeRoy and Marque Ahrens, Brad Johnson, Gordon and Shirley Reecy, Tal Devens, Dennis Weiner, Mike Ritter, Tom and Sharon Welck, Beth Gessell, Lou Brinkman, Bill Berscheit, Richard Pohlmann and Derek Pohlmann.
John and Cathy Walburn were in attendance to discuss the possibility of the City purchasing a piece of property on the west side of the pole building on the Harriet Walburn property for the purpose of installing a new lift station within city limits. The proposed dimension of the property needed would be 80’ x 70’. Bryan Bye explained why this site would work the best for city needs rather than keeping the sewer main to the Trace Lake lift station in its current location. The easement needed to replace the sewer main to the Trace Lake lift station would be an issue because it would bring it too close to the water. Purchasing the needed property would require a new plat subdividing this piece from the rest of the property owned by Harriet Walburn. John stated that the city could purchase the needed property for $20,000 but thought the purchase price could be cheaper if the city could reduce the size that runs along the highway. Bryan Bye will go back and see what changes in size could be made and resubmit it to the Walburn’s for possible approval before seeking approval for the purchase from Rural Development and the City Attorney. The matter will go before the City Council for approval before any decisions will be made.
Bryan Bye discussed the need for temporary easements for the project. Some of the easements are along Maple Street South where work will be done to tie in the parking lane from Spruce Street to the end of city limits going south and will include additional storm sewer installation. Once the project is complete and seeded, and the city has approved the surface restoration, the easements will be allowed to expire. Permanent easements will be needed for the portion of sewer main that goes through the alley and along the old railroad bed. These permanent easements will be kept clear of any structures so that the city would have access to the sewer mains for maintenance of services as needed. Bryan Bye answered any questions that the residents had regarding the easements.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to adjourn the meeting at 8:54 p.m. A second was made by Roland Ahrendt and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried,
Lori Hellmann, Clerk