Grey Eagle City Special
Meeting – June 6, 2012
The special meeting of the Grey Eagle City Council was called to order by Mayor Jim Gohman at 12:00 p.m., on the 6th day of June, 2012 in council chambers. Council members present were Andrea Kraska, Dennis Barrett, Joe Arnzen and Thom Muellner. There were no members absent. Also in attendance were Lori Hellmann and Dan Minke.
The Council discussed what the wages and benefits will be for the potential new employee. Dan Minke had a tour of the city facilities, parks and cemetery. No decision was made at this time.
A motion was made by Joe Arnzen to adjourn at 12:26 p.m. A second was made by Thom Muellner and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
Lori Hellmann, Clerk