The Truth in Taxation meeting was called to order by Mayor Joseph Arnzen at 6:30 p.m., on the 10th day of December 2019 in council chambers. Council members present were Thom Muellner, Roland Ahrendt, Bill Pohlmann and Brian Hollenkamp. There were no council members absent. Also in attendance were Chico Hellmann, Lori Hellmann and John Call.
The purpose of the meeting is to explain to residents the financial needs for the year 2020 and how that affects the levy. The levy has increased over 2020 due to increased costs in the police contract, the increased cost to do the annual audit, as well as for wages and benefits. There was no change in levy for the Fire Department as their overall budget was reduced by $5,000 for 2019 and remained the same for 2020. With the uncertainty of what direction the City would be going in to replace Chico, wages for that position were increased for 2020.
There were no residents in attendance.
A motion was made by Brian Hollenkamp to adjourn the meeting at 6:53 p.m. A second was made by Thom Muellner and upon vote, with all members voting in favor, motion carried.
Lori Hellmann, Clerk