Call to Order: Ron Frericks called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Members Present: Ron Frericks, John Young, Ray Bense, Mary Ann Primus & Bev Eggerth.
Agenda Approval: A preliminary agenda was presented. Ron asked if there were additions to the agenda. Ray asked to be listed under R&B. John made the motion to accept the agenda with that addition. Ray made the second. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: The clerk provided copies of the March 5, 2012 minutes to the board. John made the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ray made the second. Minutes approved.
Zoning Report: Bev reported on the conditional use permit that was applied for by Scott Arvig. The public hearing has been set for April 17, 2012. The application is to manufacture firearms and ammunition from his home site. An application for a land split was also received, but no further information at meeting time. Some wording changes in the Todd County Ordinance, the zoning board could go over those after the public hearing.
Town Clerk’s Report: Clerk presented the claims list for March. Claims list included 13 claims for a total of $8,028.69. John made the motion to approve the claims, Ray made the second, Motion carried unanimously. Reminders: Todd County Township meeting is April 12, and the equalization meeting is set for the 24th of April. No action could be taken on a letter that was received, due to the fact that it was unsigned. The event in question is located in lakeshore and therefore governed by Todd County.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary Ann Primus presented the treasurer’s report as follows: Beginning Balance as of February 29, 2012: $187,082.04; Checks cleared: 10, $5,012.68; Deposits including interest: $431.40; Balance as of March 31, 2012: $182,500.76; Outstanding Deposits: 0.00; Outstanding Checks: 0.00; Cash Available: $182,500.76; CD Balance: $61,863.27.
New from short course: A motion needs to be recorded in the minutes allowing the clerk to enter interest earnings on the checking account into the General Fund. Ray made a motion to enter the checking account interest earnings into the General Fund as we have done in the past. John made the second. Motion carried unanimously.
Road and Bridge Report: Some discussion on the Mound Lake access; however, since Mr. Hanson was unable to attend, no information was discussed from his office. He did share with Ron that the area would need to be surveyed before any discussion could begin. Road report- lots of frost heaves. The annual road check will be done on April 18th, starting at 5:30p.m. From short course- new information on placing new signs and road right-of way information. Erv H. presented his contract for blading and gravel. A motion to accept both contracts was made by Ray and second by John. Motion carried unanimously. Dust control was discussed with Calcium Chloride being offered to residents at a cost of $34.00 per 100 ft.
Additional agenda items: Ray presented the weed report, pretty much the same as last year. Ray was unsure of how to decide who has more weeds, he was told he could do a report and the county would then look into it.
The Resolution for establishing Precincts and Polling Places was read with road intersections noted where possible. Ray made a motion to approve the Resolution. John made the second Motion carried.
Public Comment: None.
Adjournment: Motion by John to adjourn the meeting. Ray made the second. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Minutes not approved.
Mary Ann Primus, Clerk/Treasurer