Call to Order: Ron Frericks called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Members Present: Ron Frericks, Ray Bense, Mary Ann Primus, Mike Rohe, Erv Herdering and Jeremy Kerzman.
Agenda Approval: A preliminary agenda was presented. Ron asked if there were additions to the agenda. Ray made the motion to accept the agenda. Mike made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mike made the motion to accept the March 7, 2022 minutes. Mike made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Building Improvements- Jeremy Kerzman was present to share some options for the back room of the town hall. Could cover the blocks with steel and spray foam the inside.
Could take down the blocks, which are in bad shape and rebuild the walls. This would allow for a better option to remove the concrete and replace and level it. A new door would be an option to the east side, this would avoid ice build up in winter and a better access. Another plan was to switch to natural gas to save on heating costs. Ray made a motion to go ahead with removing the concrete blocks and redoing the walls with a door on the east side provided we get approval from the city and the post office. Also to switch to natural gas. Mike made the second, All in favor. Motion carried.
Town Clerk’s Report: Clerk presented the claims list for March. Claims list included claims 3665-3675 for a total of $22,468.60. This includes the 1st half of the fire contract. Mike made the motion to pay the claims. Ray made the second. All in favor. Motion carried. Mail included a P&Z letter and a letter University from Minnesota Local Transportation. Ron had a survey request from the US Census Bureau.
Road and Bridge Report: Ray stated he had contacted the crack filling company –
Brakken has three holes and 341st has at least two holes to fill. 130th has a culvert that that needs to be cleaned out. Ascot road where Ray checked the culvert is not the Township’s. Ray reported he had asked a property owner to not park on the roadway (130th) as it is a narrow road. Asked Erv to start pulling in the edges of the gravel roads before it gets too dry.
Weed meeting is set for April 13, 2022 at Browerville, Ray will attend.
Road check was set for April 22, at 9:00 am.
Dust control notice and beach maintenance will be sent to papers and posted.
Dust control cost for 2022 is at $82.00 per 100 ft. Mike made a motion to accept that bid.
Ray made the second. Motion carried. Cost to property owners will be cost shared at $41.00 per hundred ft. Gravel bid was at $9.65 a yard. Mike made the motion to accept that bid, Ray made the second. Motion carried. Blading contract was at $102.50 per hour. Mike made the motion to accept that bid, Ray made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Additional agenda item: Todd County Township Association meeting is scheduled for April 21 in Clarissa – Ron will attend.
Short Course review – Course were held via zoom, some good information was presented. Ron reviewed the calls he had gotten this month- several culverts were still froze with water going over the road. Insurance for tractor/mower- liability is covered need to provide information on dates we use mower and size of tractor.
Ron will follow up with the City as to building updates.
Public Comment:
Adjournment: Motion by Mike to adjourn the meeting. Ron made the second. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.
Minutes not approved
Mary Ann Primus, Clerk/Treasurer