Call to Order: Mike Rohe called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Members Present: Mary Ann Primus, Mike Rohe, Alan Roering and John Young. Also present were Erv Herdering, Sharon Roering, and Christine Gagne.
Agenda Approval: A preliminary agenda was presented. Mike asked if there were additions to the agenda. An addition was made to add a report of the fire board meeting. John made the motion to approve the agenda with that addition. Alan made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: John asked to correct the minutes from November 4, 2024 meeting to say that Erv H. did not create a holding pond along Angler Trail as it was no longer necessary. He then made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Alan made the second. All in favor. Motion passed.
Town Clerk’s Report: Clerk presented the claims list for November. Claims list included claims 4034-4043 for a total of $4,913.01. John made the motion to pay the claims. Alan made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mail included a P&Z letter, letter from BBL assoc., as well as emails from the attorney and loan officer about the loan process.
The financial report was presented, John made the motion to approve the financial report, Alan made the second. All in favor. Motion carried. Alan made a motion to move the two CD’s that are scheduled to renew in December to the money market account. John made the second, all in favor. Motion carried.
Road and Bridge Report: Tar project – Discussion on paperwork for the Certificate of Indebtedness. Signed the resolution so that attorney can prepare his paperwork.
Tree cleanup – mostly done. John and Mike will be checking roads for needed areas to be brushed this winter.
A call was received about garbage (leaves and brush) being dumped into road ditches. Residents are reminded that road ditches are not dumping areas for leaves and brush – there are other ways to dispose of your debris.
Additional agenda item:
A resolution delegating cannabis retail registration to the County was approved by motion from John and second from Alan. Motion carried. Resolution was signed by Mike as chairman and Mary Ann as clerk.
Fire board meeting- Mike reported no changes as far as budget.
John made a motion to cover the cost for the new Clerk/Treas. to attend the annual Minn. Township Assoc. conference in St. Cloud. Also to bill the Township for the cost of the event and Alan made the second, All in favor. motion carried. The board also approved pay rates for deputy clerk/treas. to remain the same as clerk/treas. John made motion to approve the pay rates, Alan made the second. Motion carried.
Public Comments: None
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn by John second by Alan. All in favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Minutes not approved.
Mary Ann Primus, Clerk/Treasurer