Call to Order: Mike Rohe called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Present: Mike Rohe, Alan Roering, John Young, Christine Gagne, and Mary Ann Primus. Also Present (Observers): Erv Herdering, Sharon Roering, and Logan Olmsheid.
Agenda Approval: A preliminary agenda was presented. Mike asked if there were any additions to the agenda. John made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Alan. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: John made a motion to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded by Alan; all were in favor. Motion carried.
Town Clerk’s Report: Clerk/Treasurer presented the claims list for December. Claims list included claims 4044-4058 for a total of $10,631.83. John made the motion to pay the claims, Alan seconded it. All in favor. Motion carried.
The mail included a Todd County Septic Update.
Reorganization Report: The following changes were made.
Winter Monthly Meeting hours have been changed to 7:00 PM from November through March.
Mileage has increased by 3 cents to $0.70 per mile.
Emergency expenses have been increased from $700.00 to $1,000.00 per event.
Animal bounty has been increased to $2.00 for gopher tails, and beaver tails remain at $50.00.
The September Monthly Meeting date has been changed to September 8, 2025.
Pay for Moderators will be $80.00 per annual meeting.
A motion to approve was made by John and seconded by Alan; all were in favor. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Clerk/Treasurer presented the Financial Report for December. A motion to approve was made by John and seconded by Alan; all were in favor. Motion carried.
John made a motion to authorize Deputy Clerk Mary Ann Primus to sign the Magnifi Financial loan documents for the Tar Project 2024. The motion was seconded by Alan; all were in favor. Motion carried.
Road and Bridge Report: Tar Project, discussion on paperwork for the Certificate of Indebtedness, was continued.
Tree cleanup, is mostly done. Mike will be checking roads for needed areas to be brushed this winter. FEMA paperwork, John will be working on receiving reimbursement for the storm from last summer.
Additional agenda items: Audit meeting was set for February 10, 2025, at 7:00 PM.
Hazard Mitigation Meeting of Feb. 6, 2025 will be attended via zoom, by Clerk/Treasurer Christine Gagne and possibly John.
Public Comments: Mike asked for public comments. There were none.
Adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Alan and seconded by John; all were in favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm
Minutes pending approval as of January 7, 2025.
Christine Gagne, Clerk/Treasurer