Call to Order: Ron Frericks called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Members Present: Ron Frericks, Ray Bense, Mary Ann Primus & Mike Rohe. Also attending was Erv Herdering.
Agenda Approval: A preliminary agenda was presented. Ron asked if there were additions to the agenda. Ray made the motion to accept the agenda. Mike made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: The clerk provided copies of the June 3, 2019 minutes to the board. Mike made the motion to accept the minutes, Ray made the second. Minutes approved.
Town Clerk’s Report: Clerk presented the claims list for June. Claims list included claims 3333-3345 for a total of $40,108.58, which included dust control and crack filling. Mike made the motion to approve the claims; Ray made the second, Motion carried. Mail included a letter from the Rahn’s Oil, trainings, P&Z, City of Grey Eagle for a temporary easement, and a gas line survey. The Board agreed to have the clerk sign the easement papers in front of a notary and return it to the City.
Road and Bridge Report: Ray began with the washout on 341st and suggested that Herdering use crushed rock to fill it. He cut three trees on 116th and asked about the brush in the road ditches. Could he ask sentence to serve to cut some brush along the road ditches? Or Spray? He said he will clean up the wood in the road right of way along 341st, about two hours should be all. Ray had Loren F. call Central Specialties for him and Mike from Central Specialties told Ray he would get a quote to him this week. Need to make sure the work can be done before October if possible. Mike made a motion to go with the lowest bid for the road repair on 335th and Ascot using the cement injection at 5% for the entire road. Ray made the second. All in favor, motion carried. Breezy Drive -the holes have not been fixed but should be soon. Ditch mowing – only one bid was received for $85.00 per hour by Leland Buchholz. Ray made the motion to accept the bid. Mike made the second, Motion carried. Ron had a call about possible noxious weed- Ray will meet with the County weed inspector this week, to check it out.
Eight beavers were trapped, some discussion on what type of proof the Township needs to get in the future.
Additional agenda item: The insurance representative visited on June 19th to look over the town hall. His report will be sent to the company and the Township will get a notice if any changes are needed. Mary Ann attended the Summer Short Courses in St. Cloud. Updates on the CTAS program, insurance and vacating roads were some of the topics. Mike received a call from the sheriff’s dept. about a cooler in the ditch, however, it was not located.
Adjournment: Motion by Mike to adjourn the meeting. Ray made the second. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Submitted by Mary Ann Primus, Clerk/Treasurer
Minutes unapproved.