Call to Order: Ron Frericks called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Members Present: Ron Frericks, Ray Bense, Mary Ann Primus, Mike Rohe and Erv Herdering.
Agenda Approval: A preliminary agenda was presented. Ron asked if there were additions to the agenda. Mike made the motion to accept the agenda. Ray made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: The clerk provided copies of the May 3, 2021 minutes to the board. Ray made a motion to approve the minutes. Mike made the second. All in favor, Motion carried.
Town Clerk’s Report: Clerk presented the claims list for May. Claims list included claims 3576-3586 for a total of $24,223.33, this includes the insurance claim and most of the dust control. Ray made the motion to pay the claims, Mike made the second. All in favor, Motion carried. Mail included MN Township Assoc. cards, P&Z letter, land stewardship letter, and a Technology Exchange newsletter. Ron received a call about extending a culvert on Arden Dr., Board was OK with property owner extending the culvert.
Road and Bridge Report: Ray and Ron each had a tree to move off the roadway. Midwest Asphalt should be starting crack filling soon, Erv will continue dust control on some hills and access to intersection spots. A request for tar on a dead end road was received, thought about tying in with the City project. Board members felt the road was not wide enough and did not serve enough people for the Township to spend the money. The property owner could have the road tarred at his own expense. Mileage Certification was presented and signed at 31.850 miles of roadway for the Township. Ray made a motion to accept the quote for ditch mowing as it has always been done well in the past. Mike made the second. All in favor, motion carried.
Additional agenda item: The clerk reviewed the American Rescue Plan as not much information is out yet, Board members should check the Township Association for upcoming trainings.
A question was received about campaign signs – if they are on private property the Township has no authority.
Change of meeting dates were discussed and decided the July meeting will be July 6 and the September meeting will move to September 7.
Adjournment: Motion by Ray to adjourn the meeting. Mike made the second. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.
Minutes not approved
Submitted by Mary Ann Primus, Clerk/Treasurer