Call to Order: Mike Rohe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Present Board: Mike Rohe, John Young, Alan Roering and Christine Gagne. Also Present: Erv Herdering, Emma Rohe, Lydia Prout and Bill Koopmeiners of Elmdale Township.
Agenda Approval: Mike presented a preliminary agenda and asked for additions. John moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Alan. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mike noted housekeeping corrections: “Irv” corrected to “Erv” and “Jack Right” corrected to “Jack Enright.” John moved to approve the February 3, 2025, minutes with these changes, seconded by Alan. Motion carried.
Town Clerk Report: Christine presented February claims totaling $98,759.16, noting they were as expected. Alan moved to approve the claims, seconded by John. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence (mail and emails) was reviewed
Treasurer’s Report: Christine reported: Beginning balance (February 28, 2025): $599,730.26. Receipts: $129,759.88. Disbursements: $623,814.51. All figures were as expected. Alan moved to accept the report, seconded by John. Motion carried.
Road and Bridge Report: Mike and Erv Herdering reviewed completed work, which Mike praised for improved visibility around corners. The annual road inspection was scheduled for April 19, 2025, at 12:00 PM with the supervisors and Erv.
Fema Report: John updated the board on FEMA paperwork, noting progress with relevant parties and expecting documentation by next month.
Public Comments: Mike asked for public comments.
Adjournment: John moved to adjourn, seconded by Mike. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Minutes pending approval as of March 3, 2025
Submitted by Christine Gagne Clerk/Treasurer