Call to Order: Ron Frericks called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. Members Present: Ron Frericks, Ray Bense, Mary Ann Primus & Mike Rohe.
Erv Herdering joined later.
Agenda Approval: A preliminary agenda was presented. Ron asked if there were additions to the agenda. Mike made the motion to accept the agenda. Ray made the second. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: The clerk provided copies of the April 6, 2020 minutes to the board. Mike made the motion to accept the minutes. Ray made the second. Motion carried
Town Clerk’s Report: Clerk presented the claims list for April. Claims list included claims 3435-3445 for a total of $7,110.36. Mike made the motion to approve the claims as listed. Ray made the second, Motion carried. Mail included emails from another Township to MN Assoc of Township as to why Township meetings were not included as essential meeting, And an e-mail from Todd County Assessor that the Equalization Meeting would be a virtual meeting, however, board members could decide if they wanted to attend in person or virtually. Ray made a motion to leave the CD that matures on 05/08/2020 to renew automatically. Mike made the second. Motion carried.
Road and Bridge Report: Ray talked about the beaver issue and damage to 341st. Ray asked that the Township pay $100.00 for having the beavers removed. Ray also tried to contact the property owner along 321st as the water is getting high along that road as well. Waiting for a call back to possibly blow the beaver dam. Ron mentioned 116th has high water also, probably due to beavers, Ray will check it out. Discussion on which roads need shouldering, Arden, 335th, 341st and spots on Brakken. Ron asked about options for the culverts that need to be opened up each year. It was suggested Erv clean out the area around the culvert entrances. Boxwood Trail needs grading. Crack filling was discussed, just 341st or should other roads be looked at as well. Mike made the motion to have the two areas that were bid on repaired and to have the contractor look at some of the other roads if time allows. Ron made the 2nd to that motion, Motion carried.
Mike made the motion to have Hinman Lawn Service take care of the beach area this year. Ray made the second. Motion carried. Ron made the motion to have Lee Buchholz do the ditch mowing for 2020. Ray made the second, Motion carried. Ron had phone calls about a damaged culvert, which has now been repaired and a burning issue which was turned over to the Sheriff’s Department.
Additional agenda item: The equalization meeting May 11 will be done virtually by members of the Assessor ‘s office on May 11, 2020.
Adjournment: Motion by Ray to adjourn the meeting. Mike made the second. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Submitted by Mary Ann Primus Clerk/Treasurer
Minutes not approved.