Call to Order: Ron Frericks called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Members Present: Ron Frericks, Ray Bense, Mary Ann Primus, Mike Rohe, and Erv Herdering. Nikki Deyle was also in attendance.
Agenda Approval: A preliminary agenda was presented. Ron asked if there were additions to the agenda. Added Nikki Deyle to the agenda, Ron asked to speak about the hall renovations. Ron made the motion to accept the agenda with those additions. Mike made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: Ray asked that a correction be made about the minimum maintenance sign- Not all wanted it removed, it should say the Johnsons were in favor of having it removed. Mike made the motion to accept the September 12, 2022 minutes with that correction. Ron made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Nikkie Deyle- candidate for County Commisioner gave a presentation about her campaign and invited the board members to attend or listen to the radio Candidate Forum on Oct. 12 at 7:00 pm.
Town Clerk’s Report: Clerk presented the claims list for September. Claims list included claims 3733-3742 for a total of $37,376.61. This included the second half of the fire contract. Mike made the motion to pay the claims. Ray made the second. All in favor. Motion carried. Mail included advertising and trainings. An email received to set the meeting on Angler Trail for Oct. 24 at 11:00. Also, Ron received a letter from the Census Bureau again, and a phone call from Aspen Drive. Ron received a call from Tim Edgerton stating the DNR will match the cost of the Township improvements by doing some culvert cleaning and drainage. Some reshaping was done along the parking lot and the boat ramp. Ron also read some e-mails he received from Greg Butler-about the soil erosion issue, the sign and maintenance on the public water access. The financial report was reviewed, Ray made a motion to accept it as presented. Mike made the second. All in favor, motion carried.
Road and Bridge Report: Ray reported the culverts have been replaced on 321st north and 321st south. Herdering will begin work on 150th when the field work is finished. Chipmunk Rd- Erv had suggested possibly placing a culvert part way up the hill to divert water from running all the way to Hwy 28. Ray will contact the property owners to see if they have any issues with having a culvert there. Mike made the motion to install the culvert. Ron made the second. Ray then reported a paving company had tore up some of the patching on 341st, he will contact them for fixing the patching. Erv asked about a frost boil on Chickadee Rd, supervisors decided to wait and see what next year brings. The FEMA meeting is scheduled for Oct. 13, 2022 at 1:00 pm. The 2022-2023 snow contract was reviewed. It is higher than last year. Mike made a motion to accept the bid, Ray made the second, all in favor. Motion carried. Erv had filled in some corners on 341st and Arden Drive. Ray will fill in the dip on Brakken Road if he can get the product.
Additional agenda item:
Approval of election judges – same as for the primary election with one addition, provided she has completed the training. Mike made that motion, second by Ray, all in favor. Motion carried. Board of Canvas will meet on Monday, November 14 at 8:00 pm. Motion by Mike, second by Ray. All in favor. Motion carried.
Ron reported on the hall renovations. Natural Gas should be hooked up, air conditioner was placed on the roof, a cistern was located and needed to be filled in creating extra cost. Discussion on a sidewalk behind the building to divert runoff from the roof. Ray made a motion to include the sidewalk. Mike made the second. All in favor. This will also be at an extra cost. Mike made a motion to purchase shelving for the backroom, Ray made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Public Comment:
Adjournment: Motion by Ron to adjourn the meeting. Ray made the second. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.
Minutes not approved
Submitted by Mary Ann Primus, Clerk/Treasurer