Grey Eagle Township
September 10, 2012
Call to Order: Ron Frericks called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Members Present: Ron Frericks,Ray Bense, Mary Ann Primus & Bev Eggerth. John Young was absent.
Agenda Approval: A preliminary agenda was presented. Ron asked if there were additions to the agenda. Additions were made to include discussion on school bus turn around on 116th. Ray made the motion to accept the agenda as amended. Ron made the second. All in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: The clerk provided copies of the August 6, 2012 minutes to the board. Ray made the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ron made the second, all in favor. Minutes approved.
Zoning Report: Bev reported there was no attendance at the public hearing and the zoning board would recommend that the township adopt the zoning changes as the county has already done so. Ron made the motion to adopt the zoning updates from the county. Ray made the second. All in favor. Motion carried. One permit was written for a house to replace a mobile home. Residents were present to discuss an administrative split of 5 acres off of a 40 acre parcel. After some discussion, Ron made the motion to approve the land split upon completion of the paperwork and a copy being filed at the township. Ray made the second. All in favor, motion carried.
Town Clerk’s Report: Clerk presented the claims list for August. Claims list included 20 claims for a total of $20,280.66. Some discussion on election judge pay. Ron made the motion to approve the claims, Ray made the second, Motion carried unanimously. District 8 mtg. will be held in Little Falls this year on September 25th.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary Ann Primus presented the treasurer’s report as follows: Beginning Balance as of July 31, 2012: $252,677.71; Checks cleared: 19, $15,213.17; Deposits including interest: $891.06; Balance as of August 31, 2012: $238,355.60; Outstanding Deposits: 0.00; Outstanding Checks: 0.00; Cash Available: $238,355.60; CD Balance: $62,141.67. Ron made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Second by Ray. All in favor, Motion carried.
Road and Bridge Report: As John was absent, Ron read the road report John sent. Work on 140th is near completion. Ascot Road from 335th corner and east has had brush work done and the cost came in lower than the $5,000 estimate. The cost was $4,775. Erv H will now begin the building up of the road. John stated that more notice should have been given to landowners in the area and is working on how that can be done in the future. The project to dig rocks out of the road on 130th West is still in the plan for this fall. Spraying has been done in road right of ways that were cut in the past, however, John felt it could have been done earlier and may have to look into getting someone else to do that in the future. Ron reported he had cut some brush that was blocking signs on Ascot and had gotten calls about Chipmunk road as well. Ray will take care of those. A resident on 116th has requested a school bus turn around sign after a near collision there. Ron made a motion to get a sign put up; Ray made the second, all in favor motion carried. Erv H. will place the sign.
Additional agenda items: None.
Public Comment: None.
Adjournment: Motion by Ron to adjourn the meeting. Ray made the second. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Minutes not approved.
Mary Ann Primus, Clerk/Treasurer