The Knights of Columbus Council #14616 of Grey Eagle/Swanville recently installed new officers for the 2012-2013 Fraternal year.
Elected were: Father Ron Dockendorf-Chaplain, Don Kerfeld-Grand Knight, Tom DeFrance-Deputy Grand Knight, Peter Rausch-Chancellor, Gordon Reecy-Treasurer, Gerald Thoma-Recorder, Ralph Wolbeck-Advocate, Izzy Schmiesing-Warden, James Feldewerd-Inside Guard, Larry Hellmann-Outside Guard, Glenn Meyer-1 yr. Trustee, James Sinclair-2 yr. Trustee, Ken Sinclair-3 yr. Trustee, Stan Mensen-Financial Secretary, Gene Waldorf-Lecturer.
Mark Glatzel, the District Deputy, conducted the installation of the new officers on July 17, 2012.