The Melrose City Council met in a Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the Melrose Fire and Ambulance Station pursuant to due notice being given thereof. Present were Council Members Tony Klasen, Jenny Mayers, Dick Christenson, and Josh Thieschafer, Mayor Joe Finken, City Administrator Michael Brethorst and City Clerk Patti Haase. Mayor Finken presided thereat. The Council then recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion was made by Ms. Mayers, seconded by Mr. Thieschafer and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as submitted.
Mayor Finken then opened the floor to public comment. There were no comments.
The following items were considered for approval under the Consent Agenda:
a. the minutes from the Council’s January 21 Regular Meeting.
b. List of bills in the amount of $584,350.86.
c. List of investments for the month of January.
d. Gary Middendorf will complete his 6 month probationary period as the Streets/Parks Supervisor on February 28, 2016. As agreed to when hired in this position, he would be eligible for a 6 month step increase upon a favorable performance evaluation. City Administrator Brethorst has reviewed his performance and it is favorable; therefore is recommending that Mr. Middendorf be advanced from Step 4 to Step 5.
A motion was made by Mr. Christenson seconded by Mr. Klasen and unanimously carried to approve the Consent Agenda items.
a. Police Chief Craig Maus presented the Police Department’s January report. He noted there were 335 calls for service during that month, compared to 206 for January 2015. A total of fifteen citations were written for the month of January. For the month of January 2016, the Department received 27 agency assist calls.
b. Planning and Development Director Walz reported on the Planning and Zoning Commission’s February 8 Regular Meeting. The Commission held a Public Hearing on the request received from CentraCare Health System-Melrose for the Rezoning of Parcel 66.36852.0010 owned by CentraCare Health System-Melrose from R-1, Residential to M-1, Medical Services. This will be addressed later on in the meeting.
c. City Attorney Scott Dymoke reported on projects he has been working on for the City:
• Community Development: Obtained and forwarded copies of property records to City staff.
• Street Vacation: Obtained and forwarded copies of property records to City staff. Prepared legal description for use with proposed street vacations.
• Utility Connection Charges: Reviewed applicable statutes and Council actions to determine process for converting old and outstanding connection charges to assessments. Prepared and forwarded summary of procedure to City staff.
• Deferred Assessments: Reviewed applicable statutes and Council action to determine allocation of deferred assessments following subdivision of property. Prepared and forwarded allocation opinion to City staff.
• Personnel Policies: Reviewed proposed changes to City vacation policies. Prepared and forwarded recommended revisions to proposed policy changes to City staff.
a. Mayor Finken stated the on Monday evening February 8, 2016 at 6:30 p.m., the Commission held a public hearing on Case No. 2016-300 for the purpose of giving consideration for a recommendation to the Council for an amendment to City of Melrose Zoning Ordinance No. 1989-1-A, as amended, and adopted by reference as Chapter 153 of the City of Melrose Code of Ordinances regarding the Application for Consideration of Planning Request Received from CentraCare Health System-Melrose for the Rezoning of Parcel 66.36852.0010 Owned by CentraCare Health System-Melrose from R-1, Residential to M-1, Medical Services. The property is located at 703 Main Street W and its abbreviated legal description is Lots 1, 2, 3 & pt. of lot 4 & pt. of vac Main St. N of Co. Rd. #186, Great Northern addition to Melrose. The purpose of this proposed rezoning is to incorporate this adjacent residential parcel into the abutting health care campus, which is owned and operated by CentraCare Health System-Melrose, to allow the residential structure to be used by CentraCare Health System-Melrose for health care related purposes including multi-purpose temporary lodging facilities for medical staff, outpatients and patient guests. The draft planning report prepared by Administrator Brethorst contains additional information regarding this planning request. At its meeting after holding the required public hearing and reviewing the rezoning request received from CentraCare Health System-Melrose, the Commission took action recommending to the Council that the requested rezoning of Parcel 66.36852.0010 from R-1, Residential to M-1, Medical Services be approved. The Commission noted that a similar request received from CentraCare Health System-Melrose to rezone adjacent Parcels 66.36776.0000 and 66.37009.06010, which abutted the health care campus, to M-1, Medical Services had been approved by the Council in 2013. In its discussion the Commission also noted references in the City’s Comprehensive Plan and its Zoning Ordinance supporting the rezoning request.
Mr. Christenson introduced Ordinance No. 2-18-2016-1, An Ordinance Amending City of Melrose Zoning Ordinance No. 1989-1-A, as Amended, and Adopted by Reference as Chapter 153 of the City of Melrose Code of Ordinances to Rezone Abutting Parcel 66.36852.0010 owned by CentraCare Health System-Melrose From R-1, Residential to M-1, Medical Services. The motion was seconded by Mr. Klasen with a roll call vote recorded as follows: For: Council Members Christenson, Klasen, Mayers, Thieschafer, and Mayor Finken; Against: None.
b. Administrator Brethorst also recommended the Council approve the Official Title and Summary for this Ordinance. This Official Title and Summary was published on February 24, 2016 in lieu of the entire Ordinance containing the amendments. A vote to support the summary publication of Ordinance No. 2-18-2016-1 does not constitute support for Ordinance No. 2-18-2016-1 and the actions thereto within said Ordinance.
Ordinance No. 2-18-2016-1 will be available at the Melrose City Center and posted at the Great River Regional Library, Melrose Branch. State Statute requires that approval of the Official Title and Summary by the Council be by a 4/5 vote.
A motion was made by Mr. Thieschafer to adopt Official Title and Summary, Ordinance No. 2-18-2016-1. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mayers with a roll call vote recorded as follows: For: Council Members Thieschafer, Mayers, Klasen, Christenson, and Mayor Finken; Against: None.
c. Mayor Finken stated that MADA at its February 4 nominated George Jensen to be reappointed as the MADA representative to the Parks and Recreation Board for a three-year term. The Planning and Zoning Commission, at its February 8 Meeting, nominated Kevin Thomes for reappointment as the Planning and Zoning representative on the Parks and Recreation Board. This would be a three year term.
A motion was made by Ms. Mayers seconded by Mr. Thieschafer and unanimously carried concurring with the Mayor Finken’s appointment of George Jensen as the MADA representative and Kevin Thomes as the Planning & Zoning Representative to the Parks and Recreation Board each for a three-year term.
a. Mayor Finken noted that the Local Board of Appeals and Equalization meeting with Stearns County Assistant Assessor is scheduled for Thursday, April 21 at 4:30 p.m. Please note the date and time as a quorum is required for this meeting.
b. Mayor Finken stated that in anticipation of the pending bridge reconstruction project, the City will need to retain a certified engineering firm to provide construction management of the bridge. In preparation of the pending project it is recommended to seek a quote for services from WSB for this service. In addition to this quote, if the City were to move forward with completing the Plaza and possible sidewalk, wood retaining wall projects, we would need construction management for those projects as well. These quotes could be sought once those plans were complete.
A motion was made by Mr. Klasen seconded by Mr. Thieschafer and unanimously carried authorizing staff to request a quote from WSB & Associates for construction administration and inspection for the City portion of the Bridge. The Commission at its February 8 meeting also approved obtaining a quote from WSB & Associates for the construction administration and inspection for the Utilities portion of the project.
c. Mayor Finken stated that there has been discussion to consider removing the wood retaining wall, update railing and placing a sidewalk adjacent to the “Old Kraft Wall” at the same time as the Bridge reconstruction project. There has only been general discussion and limited design work on this concept. If the City were to do these projects along this timeline, it would need finalize the plan and scope of work as well as develop specification to conduct the project in FY 16. Depending on scope of work and cost estimates, it would be proposed to bid this work the same time the bridge project is let.
Options, Wood Wall: Remove wall and provide grading plan to incorporate Sidewalk along this area to tie into the City owned Lot on the west. Grade to a mowable slope or provide a No or Low Maintenance Landscaping option if slopes are too steep to mow.
A motion was made by Mr. Thieschafer seconded by Ms. Mayers and unanimously carried to obtain a quote from WSB & Associates for Scope of Services for the retaining wall presenting three concepts: new wall, repair of existing wall or wall set-back option.
d. Mayor Finken noted that the City has completed some initial concept work and plans with WSB for the design and layout of the “Plaza”. A final design, layout and specification have not been made.
Once the Bridge project is complete, Stearns County will turn the “Plaza” over to the City. It will be seeded grass leading to the retaining wall with a railing that matches the bridge. If the City were to proceed with the Plaza, it would need to finalize the design and develop its specification. Depending on scope of work and cost estimates, it would be proposed to bid this work the same time the bridge project is let. Our initial budget estimates for a Plaza as per the 5 year capital plan is $62,500.
The Council by consensus tabled action on moving forward with the design of the plaza. They felt it was best to wait until the bridge work is completed so as to get a better idea of the space that will be available for the plaza.
The following informational items were discussed: The following is a list of upcoming schools and conferences:
a. 1. MCFOA Conference, March 15-17, attending: City Clerk Patti Haase.
2. Long Hot Summer, Ambulance & Trauma Conference, March 4-5, attending: Clay Anderson and Jordon Ulbricht.
b. Utilities Commission’s January 11 Regular Meeting minutes.
c. The 2016 Annual Performance Review was completed of City Administrator Brethorst on January 25, 2016 by the City Council and Public Utilities Commission. His performance meets expectations and has a satisfactory review.
d. Building Permit Summary Log for Fourth Quarter/Year End 2015.
The total number/value of building permits issued in the fourth quarter for each of the past five years were:
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
27 15 30 30 25
$468,989 $736,771 $3,626,390 $242,187 $790,908
The total number/value of building permits issued for each of the past five years were:
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
131 93 134 148 150
$2,728,173 $3,047,112 $5,512,414 $3,408,154 $3,724,081
A motion was made by Mr. Klasen, seconded by Ms. Mayers and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned at 6:43 p.m.
Patricia Haase, City Clerk