The Melrose City Council met in a regular meeting on Thursday, January 3, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the Melrose City Center pursuant to due notice being given thereof. Present were Council Members Tony Klasen, Justin Frieler, Travis Frieler, Mark “Bunker” Hill, Mayor Joe Finken, City Administrator Michael Brethorst, and City Clerk Patti Haase. Mayor Finken presided thereat.
The Council then recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
The City Administrator administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Joe Finken. Mayor Joe Finken administered the Oath of Office to Council Members Travis Frieler, and Mark “Bunker” Hill who were elected in November 2018 to serve for four-year terms beginning January 2019.
A motion was made by Mr. Klasen seconded by Mr. Justin Frieler and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as presented.
Mayor Finken then opened the floor to public comment. Pat Schad inquired if there will be another meeting prior to the Council making a decision on the Rock Arch Rapids Fish Passage or if they would be taking action at this evenings meeting.
The following items were considered for approval under the Consent Agenda:
1) Assistant Weed Inspector: Mayor to appoint for a one-year term. Streets/Parks Supervisor Gary Middendorf will serve in this position.
2) City Forester: Mayor to appoint for a one-year term. Streets/Parks Supervisor Gary Middendorf will serve in this position.
3) Animal Control Officer: Mayor to appoint for a one-year term the Melrose Police Department as the City Animal Control Officer.
1) Official Newspaper: The Council to give consideration to designating the City’s official newspaper for 2019. The Melrose Beacon has served in this capacity in the past.
2) Animal Shelter: The Council to give consideration to designating the Minnesota Veterinary Associates, Inc. as the Animal Shelter. The Council to take action on this designation.
Resolution 2019-1, Resolution Designating Official Depository and Supplemental Depositories for City Funds. This resolution designates Central Minnesota Credit Union – Melrose as the official depository for 2019 and the Finance Director is given the authority to name additional depositories for the deposit of funds.
The Council may wish to again grant the Finance Director the authority to name the depositories. This could be done with the understanding that Central Minnesota Credit Union – Melrose, and Freeport State Bank – Melrose would also be used as depositories. The motion designating the depositories of City funds should include the following, “For the purpose of being certain that all funds in financial institutions will be insured, the Finance Director shall have the authority pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 118A.02, Subd. 1, to name depositories for the deposit of funds so as to make certain that all City funds are either insured or collateral has been pledged by the depository as security, as permitted by M.S., Chapter 118A.”
A motion was made by Mr. Hill seconded by Mr. Travis Frieler and unanimously carried to approve the Consent Agenda items.
Consideration was then given to the following appointments:
1) Acting Mayor: Council to take action appointing an Acting Mayor for a one-year term. Council Member Dick Christenson served as Acting Mayor for the remainder of 2018.
A motion was made by Mr. Justin Frieler, seconded by Mr. Hill and unanimously carried to appoint Mr. Klasen as Acting Mayor for 2019.
2) Public Utilities Commission: The Council to appoint one member for a three-year term and a Council Representative for a one-year term to the Public Utilities Commission. Incumbent Jeremy Kraemer is seeking reappointment. An application has been submitted by Wyatt Kemper. Mr. Kemper expressed interest in serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Public Utilities Commission. Mr. Finken and Mr. Klasen expressed an interest in serving as the Council Representative for the Melrose Public Utilities Commission.
A motion was made by Mr. Hill appointing Mr. Finken to serve as the Council representative for the Melrose Public Utilities Commission for 2019. The motion was seconded by Mr. Justin Frieler with a roll call vote recorded as follows: FOR: Council Members Hill, Justin Frieler, Travis Frieler, and Mayor Joe Finken. AGAINST: Council Member Klasen
3) Planning and Zoning Commission:The Council to appoint one member for a four-year term. Incumbent Shawn Mayers is seeking reappointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. No other applications have been received. An application has been submitted by Wyatt Kemper. Mr. Kemper expressed interest in serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Public Utilities Commission. The Council to appoint a Council Representative for a one-year term to the Planning and Zoning Commission. For 2018, Tony Klasen served as the Council Representative.
A motion was made by Mr. Klasen, seconded by Mr. Hill and unanimously carried to reappoint Mr. Shawn Mayers to the Planning and Zoning Commission, for a four-year term. A motion was then made by Mr. Klasen, seconded by Mr. Travis Frieler and unanimously carried to appoint Mr. Hill as the Council’s representative on the Planning and Zoning Commission for a one-year term.
4) Melrose Area Development Authority (MADA): The Council to appoint a Council Representative for a one-year term to the Melrose Area Development Authority. For 2018, Josh Thieschafer served as the Council Representative. A motion was made by Mr. Justin Frieler seconded by Mr. Hill and unanimously carried to appoint Mr. Travis Frieler as the Council representative to the Melrose Area Development Authority for a one-year term.
5) Parks and Recreation Board: Mayor to appoint and Council to concur appointing a Council Representative to the Parks and Recreation Board to serve a one term. For 2018, Justin Frieler served as the Council Representative.
A motion was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Klasen and unanimously carried to reappoint Mr. Justin Frieler as the Council representative on the Parks and Recreation Board for a one-year term.
6) Melrose Fire Relief Association: Council to appoint a Council Representative to the Fire Relief Association. Tony Klasen served as the Representative in 2018. Mr. Justin Frieler expressed an interest in serving on the Fire Relief Association as the Council Representative. A motion was made by Mr. Klasen, seconded by Mr. Travis Frieler and unanimously carried appointing Justin Frieler as Council representative on the Fire Relief Association for a one-year term.
7) Melrose Housing and Redevelopment Authority: Council to appoint one member for a five-year term. Rachel Dymoke is seeking reappointment. Council to appoint a Council Representative to serve a one-year term to the Melrose Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Mayor Finken served as Council Representative for 2018. A motion was made by Mr. Travis Frieler, seconded by Mr. Justin Frieler and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution No. 2019-2 as amended appointing Mr. Hill as the Council Representative.
The Council gave consideration to designating the Grievance Representative for 2019. The Utilities Commission will also designate their Grievance Representative for 2019 at its January 14, 2019 meeting. For 2018, Joe Finken was the Council representative and Jeremy Kraemer was the Utilities Commission representative. The Council to take action appointing a Council Member to serve as Grievance Representative for 2019. A motion was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Travis Frieler and unanimously carried appointing Mr. Klasen to serve as the Council Grievance Representative for 2019.
The Council gave consideration to appointing a member to the Ad Hoc Labor & Personnel Committee for future labor discussions. In 2018 Council Member Josh Thieschafer served as Council Representative and Eric Seanger served as the Utilities Commission representative for this Committee. The Utilities Commission will be appointing a representative at its January 14, 2019 meeting. The Council to take action appointing a representative to the Ad Hoc Labor & Personnel Committee for 2019. Mayor Finken is recommending appointing Mr. Hill as the Council Representative to the Ad Hoc Labor & Personnel Committee for 2019. A motion was made by Mr. Klasen, seconded by Mr. Justin Frieler and unanimously carried designating Mr. Hill as representative to the Ad Hoc Labor & Personnel Committee for 2019.
The City of Melrose contracts with Dymoke Law Office for legal work and general counsel. The City has been under contract with Dymoke Law Office for the past three years. It is proposed to continue with another three-year agreement as outlined in the agreement. A motion was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Klasen and unanimously carried approving the three-year agreement with Dymoke Law Office.
Mayor Finken stated that the City Council at its November 15, 2018 Council meeting directed that additional information be gathered on the proposed DNR project title Rock Arch Rapid and Associated Draw Down. A community education session was held on December 19, 2018 at which multiple speakers spoke on the topic and provided details and summary of what could be expected if a project were to occur. Mr. Klasen has received more comments for direct opposition to the Rock Arch Rapid and Fish Passage project. Although he did receive a couple of people open to the project. Mr. Klasen commented that he believes the focus should be the bridge since there are too many unknowns with the rock arch rapids/fish passage. He does not believe now is the right time to do this project. Bunker Hill echoes Tony Klasen’s comments. Mr. Hill heard from many of the property owners who live along the lake and they are opposed to removing the dam. Mr. Hill cannot support the Rock Arch Rapids/Fish passage at this time.
Mr. Travis Frieler stated that if the majority do not want the draw down, that is how the Council should move. Mr. Justin Frieler concurs as there has been a lot of push back from the Melrose Lake Improvement Association. A motion was made by Mr. Justin Frieler, seconded by Mr. Hill and unanimously carried to reject the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) proposal to remove the Melrose Dam and draw down Melrose lake. They directed staff to move forward with the original Bridge and channel realignment to include the removal of the “Kraft Wall” and streambank restoration east of the Dam as Phase 1. Through consensus, the matter of the Rock Arch Rapids and Lake drawdown will be tabled till the completion of the 5th Ave Bridge / Phase 1. City staff should continue to develop possible options for the Phase II of the Dam project and Lake draw down, once that becomes a priority.
A motion was made by Mr. Justin Frieler seconded by Mr. Travis Frieler and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Patricia Haase, City Clerk