By Stacey Austing-Jacobson, Melrose Area Community Education Director
Please note, the Melrose Summer Recreation Brochure will be mailed out a few weeks later this spring due to some unforeseen circumstances. The swimming lesson information will be available online March 13, but the full brochure will come in the mail in early May.
Did you know that this past fall, Community Education served over 1,400 people with over 68 classes and events? And, over the past 2 months we have served over 600 people, and have offered 67 classes and events from January through May? What this means is that people are staying active and engaged, and if they are not, it’s not due to a lack of opportunities. Thank you to our instructors who make this all possible! Make sure to check out all we have to offer and try something new before spring! Also, don’t forget to attend “Talent Unleashed in Melrose” on March 18 at 6:30 p.m. The annual event takes place at the Melrose High School auditorium and tickets will be sold at the door.

Archery Update: At a National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) archery tournament on March 3 at Centennial Middle School in Lino Lakes, 3 Melrose archers did an excellent job! Luke Lambrecht placed 25th with a score of 250, Adrian Massmann placed 76th, and Grant Theiler placed 87th. These places were all in the top half of the tournament, with over 200 youth competing. Congratulations to our archery students.
Lakes Area Tae Kwon Do Update: Our Tae Kwon Do program has 5 students who will be testing for their Junior Black belt in June. Congratulations and good luck to Carter Braun, Henry Braun, Mark Budde, Nicholas Jacobson, and Grayson Mahler.
Reminder: When a class doesn’t reach the minimum required, it will be cancelled. If you are signed up for a class, encourage a friend to sign up too, so it fills up!
Here are a few upcoming classes you can still sign up for!
Upcoming Adult classes:
Rain Barrels, March 19, we need 5 more people.
A Chemical Free Home, March 22
Aquatic Intruders, March 29
Egg Painting, March 29, we need 2 more people.
Politics in 2012, April 4
Healthy Lawns, April 5 (Think Spring!!)
Discover Scuba Diving, April 10
Youth Classes:
ACT Prep Course, March 11 & 18
Babysitting Clinic, March 17, we need 2 more people.
Plantzilla, March 20
Tops & Bottoms, All about Gardens, April 10
Feel free to call 320-256-6010 with questions or to register for classes.