BAXTER, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Transportation invites the traveling public, area residents and businesses to provide feedback on long-range transportation plans being developed for Region 5 and 7E, which are represented by the Region Five Development Commission (R5DC) and the East Central Regional Development Commission (ECRDC).
Public input is needed to help shape the future of transportation in Central Minnesota. If you live, work or travel in any of these counties, we want to hear from you: Cass, Crow Wing, Wadena, Todd, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Kanabec, Isanti, Chisago and Pine.
MnDOT, Region 5 and 7E are hosting an online open house for the public to review information about the plan and provide feedback through a survey, comment map and other features. The open house is live and runs until April 11, 2025. It can be found at
The long-range plans will establish a vision and corresponding set of transportation goals, objectives, strategies and actions for each region.
MnDOT encourages participation by all as we believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to enjoy the programs, services and activities we provide. If you need an ASL, a foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), please email your request to Janet Miller at or call 651-366-4720.
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