Minutes of the Swanville City Council meeting held in the Swanville Center on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. The meeting called to order 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Sandy Lange, Norm Carlson, Tony Maciej, John Dragseth and Jim Molitor. Also present: Ben Nelson and Joe Krueger.
Minutes of the Swanville City Council meeting held Wednesday, November 6, 2024 were reviewed. A motion was made by John Dragseth to approve the minutes. Jim Molitor seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
The treasures report was given. A motion was made by Norm Carlson and seconded Jim Molitor to approve the treasurer’s report. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
Water Project update: Eagle Construction has submitted a bill with minus a 5% retention taken off in the amount of $86,260.00. This is for bonds, insurance, project setup and contract. The City Engineers has looked over and okayed the bill. Tony Maciej made a motion to pay Eagle Construction. Jim Molitor seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
North Berkey 1st Addition update: Land Pride Construction submitted a bill in the amount of $645,169.84. for work completed with new water, sewer lines and road work completed thus far. Tony Maciej made a motion to pay the Land Pride Construction bill. Jim Molitor seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried. Council decided to have Land Pride Construction complete the road approach from Industrial Drive to Hwy 28.
City Attorney, Joe Krueger was present to go over the covenant for North Berkey 1st Addition. Council would like to have added to the covenant the following: single family houses only, no rentals and lots must have an asphalt or cement driveway. Krueger will also write up the lot purchase agreement for the lots in the North Berkey 1st Addition.
The Cannabis Resolution was discussed. After discussion, Jim Molitor made a motion to accept resolution #24-1203 Delegating Cannabis Retail Registration to Morrison County. Tony Maciej seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried. Krueger then explained the next step to the Cannabis Zoning. A date for a public hearing will need to be set at which the Zoning Cannabis Ordinance will be discussed and then during the meeting to follow the ordinance will be accepted. The Public Hearing is set for January 7, 2025 at 6:45 p.m.
Ben Nelson, city Insurance agent, was present to go over the city’s insurance renewal. There is no changes in the policy. Building values have gone up as usual. There is no need to insure anything in the new North Berkey 1st Addition project area at this time. Norm Carlson made a motion to not wave the Insurance tort. Jim Molitor seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
Council discussed annexing the land to the east of 4th Street and the land to the south of 6th Street East. After discussion, council decided to go to the Swanville Township and collect the property taxes they receive for the properties involved. These property owners receive snow plowed and maintained roads from the city to get to their property.
Mayor Lange passed out the budget for 2025. Tony Maciej made a motion to accept the budget as proposed. Jim Molitor seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
The final levy certification for 2025 was discussed. After discussion, Tony Maciej made a motion to raise the General Service $2,000.00. Norm Carlson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried. The final levy for payable in 2025 is set at General Service $115,000.00 and the Debt Service amounts are set at $9,921.09 and $25,106.00. For a total amount of $150,027.09
The Swanville School principal requested that 6th Street, by the school, have 20 mph signs posted. Council was in favor to buy road signs and have maintenance install the signs. There was discussion on the speeding cars after school which is so dangerous for all walking. There is possibility of the sheriff’s patrol be in the city at the time of school ending.
The Senior Center Board is wondering if the city would donate to the kitchen upgrade. After discussion the council decided to donate $300.00 toward the painting of the kitchen.
The following claims were presented for payment. Members of the council were furnished with a listing. Jim Molitor made a motion to approve the claims. Norm Carlson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
With this being John Dragseth’s final city council meeting, council would like to thank John for his four years of dedicated service serving on the Swanville City Council.
The next regular monthly meeting will be held Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7:00 pm with a Public Hearing taking place first at 6:45 pm in the Swanville Center.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Tony Maciej and seconded by John Dragseth to adjourn. All members voted in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:50 pm.
Julie Holleman, City Clerk/Treasurer