The Public Hearing was called to order at 6:30, February 4, 2025 in the Swanville Center. The Purpose of the Public Hearing is to hear input from the residents of the City of Swanville on progress of the Small Cities Grant Fund Program. Members present: Mayor Lange, Norm Carlson and Carter Loven. Also, present: Dustin Switters. Mayor Lange then turned the meeting over to Switters who informed the council of how much is available in each of the projects. After questions were answered, Mayor Lange then closed the hearing and opened the regular council meeting.
Minutes of the Swanville City Council meeting held in the Swanville Center on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. The meeting called to order 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Sandy Lange, Norm Carlson, Carter Loven and Tony Maciej. Absent: Jim Molitor. Also present: Dustin Switters
Minutes of the Swanville City Council meeting held Tuesday January 7, 2025 were reviewed. A motion was made by Carter Loven to approve the minutes. Norm Carlson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
The treasures report was given. A motion was made by Norm Carlson and seconded Tony Maciej to approve the treasurer’s report. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
Water Project is still at a standstill until warmer weather. The 3 phase electricity charge will be $32,711.00.
Water Meter Project has meters that will have to wait until April. Contractors Application for Payment was presented to council for mayor’s signature for meters received from Milbank.
Mayor Lange stated the approach on Highway 28 to the new addition will be completed by Land Pride. Unsure who is to get the permit for the approach.
The Small Cites Grant Fund will be completed the end of September of this year. So far there has been 9 houses and one rental taking advantage of the funding. If no businesses come forward there can be an amendment to move the funds from business to residential. Switters will let the city know when this will be written up for approved.
Carter Loven stated he is starting to organize a D-Day Walk in memory of the veterans who sacrificed so much for us. More will be published when plans get finalized.
Lucky’s Saloon yearly liquor license renewal is due March 6, 2025. Tony Maciej made a motion to renew the license with the same fees as last year: Off Sale-$150.00, On Sale-$2000.00, Sunday-$250.00, 2 am Closing-$100.00 for a total of $2500.00. Norm Carlson Seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Motion carried. The Clerk will start the paper work for the renewal.
Local Board of Equalization will be Wednesday, April 23rd-10:30 am in the Swanville Center.
The following claims were presented for payment. Members of the council were furnished with a listing. Norm Carlson made a motion to approve the claims. Carter Loven seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
The next regular monthly meeting will be held Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the Swanville Center.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Norm Carlson and seconded by Tony Maciej to adjourn. All members voted in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm.
Julie Hollermann, City Clerk/Treasurer