Minutes of the Swanville City Council meeting held in the Swanville Center on Tuesday, June 4, 2019. The meeting called to order 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Sandy Lange, Jim Molitor, Deb Wood, Norm Carlson, and Tony Maciej. Also present: John Gessell Sr., Sharon Blumke, Jeremy Boots, reporter Sheila McCoy.
Minutes of the Swanville City Council meeting Tuesday, May 7, 2019 were reviewed. A motion was made by Norm Carlson to approve the minutes. Tony Maciej seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
The treasures report was given. A motion was made by Deb Wood and seconded by Jim Molitor to approve the treasurer’s report. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
Resolution #19-0604A was presented to the council which states authorizing the sell of real property located in North Berkey Plat lot 4 block 1 to Sharon Blumke. Jim Molitor made a motion to approve Resolution #19-0604A and authorize the sale of lot 4 block 1 in the North Berkey Avenue Plat to Sharon Blumke. Tony Maciej seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
John Gessell Sr. was present and stated he is interested in purchasing appx 115’x112’of land to the north of his lot on North Berkey Avenue. After discussion, Tony Maciej made a motion to sell Gessell the land by his house for $1000.00. There will be no hookup to water and sewer at this time but down the road if that would be desired both fees will be charged. Jim Molitor seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; motion carried. Mayor Lange will call the surveyors and a purchase agreement will be wrote up.
Sharon Blumke stated she would be interested in more land to the north and west of her lot also. Mayor Lange stated she would get in touch with Sharon when the surveyors are in Swanville.
Jeremy Boots, city engineer, he would like the approval from the council to write up specs for the water tower quotes, that way all the companies would be on the same page for the quotes. Jim Molitor made a motion to have Jeremy write up the specs for the water tower quotes. Deb Wood seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; motion carried. Jeremy estimates the quotes for the work inside and the touch up on the tower would be about $100,000.00. A micro loan would need to be applied for.
Resolution #19-0604B was presented to council, which states the Swanville Lions Club will donate $1000.00 to the City of Swanville for the flowers on main street. Deb Wood made a motion to accept resolution #19-0604B. Norm Carlson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
Sharon Blumke applies for a land use permit to build a house with garage on lot in North Berkey Addition. P & Z committee approved permit. Jim Molitor made a motion to approve the land use permit for Sharon Blumke. Deb Wood seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
John Hoogenhous applied for a variance for an addition onto his existing garage on Forest Hill Lane. The P & Z committee did not approve the variance and it was not approved by the city attorney because the addition being too close to the set backs and needs to be a practical difficulty. Council did not approve.
Council members discussed complaints that they received. These complaints included full garbage bags by a house, lawns not being mowed and putting the grass clipping on the street, a semi-truck being parked overnight on a narrow street. Letters will be sent to violators. Council are asking residents to be considerate of your neighbors and keep your property free from garbage and their lawns cut.
The Swanville Lions Club is requesting a 3-day temporary strong liquor license for the Swanville Carnival June 28, 29, & 30. Tony Maciej made a motion to give the Swanville Lions Club a 3-day temporary strong liquor license for a fee of $80.00 for June 28, 29, & 30, 2019. Deb Wood seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; motion carried. The Clerk will send in the necessary paper work to the State of MN.
There are a lot of complaints about jake braking on the main roads coming into Swanville. After discussion, Council member Maciej stated he would get in contact with the Highway Department to see if the existing signs could get moved.
The following claims were presented for payment. Members of the council were furnished with a listing. Jim Molitor made a motion to approve the claims. Deb Wood seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
Council decided to move the next regular monthly meeting to Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Swanville Center.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Tony Maciej and seconded by Deb Wood to adjourn. All members voted in favor; motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:00 p.m.
Julie Hollermann, City Clerk/Treasurer