Minutes of the Swanville City Council meeting held in the Swanville Center on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. The meeting called to order 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Sandy Lange, Norm Carlson, Tony Maciej, John Dragseth and Jim Molitor, also present: Carter Loven and Lonny Hutchins
Minutes of the Swanville City Council meeting held Wednesday, September 4, 2024 were reviewed. A motion was made by Tony Maciej to approve the minutes. Jim Molitor seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
The treasures report was given. A motion was made by Tony Maciej and seconded John Dragseth to approve the treasurer’s report. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
Water Project update, Eagle Construction will wait until spring to start the water storage tank. The new meters will be from Winwater Company. This project is subject to start sometime in December.
North Berkey First Addition has started with Land Pride Construction doing the work. Water and sewer lines will be in soon. This addition is classified as High Residential in zoning. Council discussed lot prices. After discussion, Tony Maciej made a motion to charge $1.00 a square foot for the lots. Norm Carlson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor except Mayor Lange abstained, motion passed. Sytek gave a quote of $12,000.00 to lay the phone/internet lines. Tony Maciej made a motion to accept the Sytek quote. Norm Carlson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
Carter Loven was present to discuss purchasing land in the Industrial Park to put in a fitness gym. The lot is approx. 1.7 acres. Tony Maciej made a motion to sell the lot for $21,780.00. There will be no curb and gutter, owner will put in own approach and driveway and will have to pay for water and sewer and electric hookups fees. Norm Carlson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
TextMyGov is up and running. So, messages will go out to all that are signed up.
Central MN Housing still has openings for residential, rental and business updates.
Morrison County is setting up guidelines for the Cannabis Business Ordinance which the City of Swanville will be following.
Alan Loxterkamp is asking for a land use permit to put down 32’x22’ cement on existing driveway and walkway. Tony Maciej made a motion to give Loxterkamp the land use permit. John Dragseth seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
The council discussed residents doing land work or building without first getting a permit. After discussion, Jim Molitor made a motion to charge the land owner and the construction company $1000.00 each and construction will cease until the fees are paid. Tony Maciej seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried. Letters will be sent to residents and an ad will be put in the Flyer.
The following claims were presented for payment. Members of the council were furnished with a listing. Tony Maciej made a motion to approve the claims. Jim Molitor seconded the motion. All members voted in favor, motion carried.
The next regular monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm. because of Election Day on Tuesday. The meeting will be held in the Swanville Center.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Tony Maciej and seconded by Jim Molitor to adjourn. All members voted in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:45pm.
Julie Hollermann, City Clerk/Treasurer