Swanville Junior High School is proud to announce Connor Poland as the March Student of the Month for 7-9th grades. Connor is a ninth grade student. He is the son of Tim and Jennifer Poland.
He has participated in plays since seventh grade, was in Marching Band in seventh and eighth grade, drum line in seventh and eighth grade. Connor was in Speech last year and is currently a member of the Healthy Communities Collaborative. Connor has also participated in a number of sports, including track as an eighth grader, and basketball and baseball in seventh grade. Connor enjoys reading and writing, listening to music and hanging out with friends.
Outside of school Connor attends a youth church group on a weekly basis. He has previously been student of the year for Physical Education and Music. Connor’s future plans include going to college. His advice for other students is “Be respectful to each other, work hard at what’s important, and be grateful for what you have.”
Char Bzdok, Science teacher states, “This is the first year I have taught Connor. He is in my physical science class fifth hour. In this short amount of time knowing him, I can definitely tell that he cares about his grades and is a very bright young man! Besides being academically sound, Connor is the type of person who is very inquisitive and always thinks deeply into whatever we are studying at the time. His peers and classmates look up to him because he is always willing to help out. Connor is very deserving of this award!”
“Connor shows great respect towards staff and fellow students” adds Marvin Poegel, Physical Education teacher. “Connor is starting his high school years on the right track. Connor is self-disciplined and is prepared to do well in school. He is always willing to help in Physical Education class by putting equipment away at the end of the hour. Many times he shows initiative by just doing what he knows needs to be done without me even asking. Connor has tried many different extra-curricular activities. He is well-rounded and showing strength in music and acting. He has good manners along with a solid work ethic. I really enjoy his humble and positive approach to life. Connor is very deserving of this award.”