For one hour on March 15th, the Swanville Elementary, the High School National Honor Society and Healthy Communities groups hosted a special reading event to honor Dr. Seuss and Read Across America.
Using many of Dr. Seuss’ famous books for ideas, some teachers put together games and activities for the children in the Swanville area and all the staff showed up to help the students have a great night! Children, newborn to grade 6 in the Swanville area were invited to attend.
As they came through the doors they were able to select a book of their choice and register for door prizes. The books were purchased with funds donated by the Swanville Lions. Students enjoyed games such as turtle stacking from the story “Yertle the Turtle,” fish pond from “One Fish Two Fish,” darts with stars from “The Sneetches,” ball toss “Cat in the Hat,” pocket rhymes for “There’s a Wocket in my Pocket,” and so much more! With the support of area businesses, several students went home with extra door prize items, too! The night went fast and was a huge success judging by the smiles on the kids and parents alike!