Swanville Senior High School is proud to announce Amanda Rieffer as the March Student of the Month for 10-12th grades. She is the daughter of Gail and Joel Rieffer and is currently a sophomore.
Her hobbies include drawing, playing a variety of musical instruments including guitar, saxophone and piano. She also enjoys listening to music, reading, dancing and just hanging out with friends. Her future plans run the gamut from being a translator of any language to quantum theoretical physicist.
Amanda is very busy with school activities. She participated in Volleyball in grades 7-10 and is currently in JO Volleyball. She also currently participating in track and has since eighth grade. She was a member of the Swanville Stardust Dance team in grades seven through 9 and this year joined the Long Prairie Just for Kix Team. She is currently serving on Student Council and has since seventh grade. She has participated in theater since seventh grade and is currently gearing up for the Spring Theater Production. She has been in band since fifth grade and was a member of the Speech team in eighth and ninth grade.
Outside of school Amanda sings in the church choir and makes blankets with her confirmation class for the church auction and also as donations to St. Gabriel’s Hospital. Amanda has many honors that she has been awarded including first and second place in recent dance competitions and the Presidential Fitness Award in ninth grade.
Amanda is a previous student of the month, winning the award in seventh and ninth grades. She has also previously been athlete of the month three times. Her advice for other students is ”Never procrastinate! It will kick you in the butt! Pay attention in class now, it will help you with your classes that you will have later.”
“Amanda Rieffer is an excellent student who participates in many activities in the high school,” comments Kathy Detloff English teacher. “Her work on assignments is consistently of high quality, and she is an excellent writer both in creative and academic work. It has been a pleasure to have her in my English class this year. Amanda is also active in Student Council and can be depended on to complete any responsibilities that are hers. She is in band and participates in the play productions. She is a talented actress and helped other students as an accent coach for the fall play. Amanda also participates in volleyball and track and was on the dance team when the school offered that activity. Amanda is a fine choice for Swanville’s Student of the Month.”
Char Bzdok, Science teacher adds, “I have had the wonderful opportunity of teaching Amanda the past couple years! In this time, Amanda has displayed outstanding leadership as well as academic success! Amanda has one of the best minds as well as work ethic out of any student I have ever taught! One thought that always sticks in my mind about Amanda is the fact that she goes above and beyond on all her science projects – they are beautiful as well as detailed. Besides being highly motivated, Amanda is looked up to by her peers and classmates. Amanda is very deserving of this award.”