Effective March 18, 2020 at 12:00 pm, Todd County buildings will be closed to the public until further notice. Courtrooms and Court proceedings shall remain open to the public through secure access. Todd County has a commitment to providing services to our residents and will continue to serve the public through telephone, e-mail, US mail, and on-line services available through our website: https://www.co.todd.mn.us . Emergency services will remain in full effect.
The Solid Waste Transfer Station will remain open to haulers and to the general public on an as needed basis at this time.
In taking these measures, Todd County remains in line with guidance for social distancing strategies recommended by both the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) in addition to the Governor of Minnesota and the Commissioner of Health. This action will also help protect staff and the general public from being exposed to potentially sick individuals and spreading the virus to our friends and families.