Upsala 3rd and 4th grade classUpsala 3rd and 4th grade students were learning about shape poems during their Language Arts block. Shape poems take the shape of the subject of the poem. They also use words and spaces to create shape. The students used onomatopoeia as well as alliteration to create mental pictures of the topic of the poem! Their topic was Halloween! Pictured are (front from left) Grace Maciej, Michael Blonigen, Micah Ripplinger, Kaitlyn George, Tyler Smieja, Jessica Lange, Rachel Ainali and Taylor Soltis; (back) Ethan Moon, Michael Young, Wil Leners, Olivia Peterson, Anna Blonigen, Carter Johnson, Anthony Nienaber and Olivia Hollermann. Not pictured: Audrey Thomas. Submitted by Mindy Wessel.