These are unapproved minutes.
Call to Order/Attendance: The City Council meeting was called to order at Upsala City Hall by Mayor Rollie Johnson at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was said.
On roll call members present were: Mayor Rollie Johnson, Joan Olson, Brian Lange, Robert Maciej, and Dennis Westrich. People present: Garrett Doucette, Marybeth Shaffer, Firefighter Steve Hanson, Firefighter Joe Trettel, Morrison County Record Reporter Sheila McCoy, SEH Engineer Scott Hedlund, Public Works Superintendent Frank Koopmeiners, and Clerk/Treasurer Michelle Stevens.
Minutes: Maciej moved to approve the minutes for March 7, 2016 City Council Meeting, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Added agenda items: Maciej moved to approve the agenda with the additions of potholes, and the replacement of snow ordinance signs to the Maintenance Report, 2nd by Olson. Motion carried unanimously.
Presentations, Citizen Appeals:
Tower Road: Garrett Doucette and Marybeth Shaffer discussed the boils on Tower Road and requested that they be informed of when the City will be fixing the road; they will fix their driveway at the same time. Johnson will talk to one of the County Commissioners about the issue.
Application for Payment #4: Scott Hedlund reviewed Application for Payment #4 for the Walnut project. Lange moved to remove ‘Lift station pole and light’ from Application for Payment #4 and submit a payment of $20,615.85 to C&L Excavating, 2nd by Maciej. Motion carried unanimously.
Televising Sewer Lines: Hedlund will get quotes for televising the sewer lines and will look into the cost of inspecting individual homes to discover how much water seeping into basements goes into the sewer lines.
Department Reports:
Maintenance Repor: Koopmeiners reported on the water and sewer levels.
Operator Interface Replacement: Koopmeiners presented information replacing the Main Lift Station Operator Interface. Lange moved to purchase Option # 2 – a C-More Operator Interface at a cost of $2,050.00, 2nd by Maciej. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Works Storage Shed: The Public Works Storage Shed location and design were presented. Koopmeiners reviewed a map of the potential spot for the Storage Shed. Westrich suggested that when the time comes to request quotes for the shed, that the City request 2 options, one being 50’x64’ shed and the other for 60’x80’ shed.
Westrich presented a drawing for the storage shed. Westrich moved to have Dan Kremers to create a complete and detailed drawing for the building, 2nd by Maciej. Motion carried unanimously.
Graveling 50th Avenue: Koopmeiners stated Matt Ripplinger reported 50th Avenue is due for gravel. It was estimated that the cost to gravel the City’s portion to be approximately $3,000 and dust control application at an approximate cost of $1,500. The gravel applied should last for at least five years. Koopmeiners was directed to find out when Elmdale Township will receive bids for graveling the rest of 50th Avenue as it extends outside the City Limits. Maciej moved that the City hire the same contractor the Township of Elmdale will use to gravel 50th Avenue, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried with four ayes; Johnson abstained.
Winter Parking Signs: The four Winter Parking Signs are in disrepair. Koopmeiners was directed to remove the signs. Lange requested Stevens to send a copy of the Winter Parking Sign Ordinance to the Planning Commission for their next meeting.
Spring Potholes: Koopmeiners will report back to the next council meeting on a list of pothole repairs needed.
Fire Department Report: Training: The Upsala Fire Department will have HAZMAT (Hazardous Materials) training this Saturday.
The New Pumper/Tanker: The new pumper/tanker truck has the new adaptor; it should be ready to go once the firefighters are fully trained which will take place this month.
Training Monitor: Joe Trettel requested a 50 inch training monitor to be used in the council chambers. This would be used by the Fire Department, Rescue Squad and at other meetings including the City Council as needed. Lange moved to purchase a Sharp 50 inch monitor at Best Buy,a DVD/Blu-ray player, cable cords, and mounting accessories to not exceed $600, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Prescribed Burns: Fire Chief Jay Baggenstoss is in the process of scheduling a couple of prescribed burn trainings for this summer; dates are not set yet.
City Office Report: Petty Cash: Stevens reviewed the petty cash report.
Training: Stevens will be attending the MN Municipal Clerks Institute May 2-6. She stated she will be late to the regular City Council Meeting on May 2nd.
Vacation/Comp hours, Auditor request: Auditors from Schlenner Wenner were here last week for the City’s annual audit. They questioned if the council approves the carryover of vacation and/or comp hours from last year to this year. The carryover is approved into 2016.
Newsletter: The Spring Newsletter was presented for edit and comment. The Council requested Stevens add an article concerning chickens in town.
Planning Commission: The Commission approved the building permit for Petersens at 402 North Main Street.
Cemetery: The Planning Commissioners are continuing to work on the Cemetery Ordinance and map.
UCDC: Minutes were submitted. Heritage Days was discussed.
Recreation Board: No meeting held .
Unfinished Business: Fire Hall / City Office Roof Repair. The new steel roof has been installed on the Fire Hall. Gutters are over the doors and snow jacks were strategically placed to prevent snow slides over the door and drop box. Westrich suggested adding gutter or snow jacks above the 800 Mhz radio antenna.
Annual Board of Appeals: The Annual Board of Appeals is set for May 3rd at 10:30 a.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers.
Personnel Policy: Olson and Lange are still working on the personnel policy; they stated they will present their suggestions to the council at the June 6th meeting.
New Business: Water Rates: Stevens was directed to keep the water rates the way they were in December, but still increase sewer base rate by $5.00, and add the State water fee of $0.53 per month.
Antenna Rent on the Water Tower: Discussion was held concerning how much the City charges for rent on the water tower to communications companies.
Gambling Permit for UBA Raffle: Lange moved to approve the Gambling Permit with no waiting period for the Upsala Ballpark Association raffle set for July 9, 2016, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Community Asset Profile: The rough draft of the Community Profile was presented. Corrections were added.
Meetings & Trainings: Johnson may be attending the Safety & Loss Control Workshop in St. Cloud on April 12th.
No one will be attending the 2016 LMC & Alliance for Innovation in June.
Financial: Olson moved to pay all bills presented including C & L payment #4 and Petty Cash of $20.00, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Thank-you and acknowledgements: None.
Updates/FYI: None.
Adjourn: Lange moved to adjourn at 9:29 p.m., 2nd by Maciej. Motion carried unanimously.
Michelle Stevens, Clerk/Treasurer