Call to Order/Attendance: The City Council meeting was called to order at Upsala City Hall by Mayor Rollie Johnson at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said.
On roll call members present were: Mayor Rollie Johnson, Lana Bartells, and Dennis Westrich, Crystal Benson, and Brian Lange.
People present:vFirst Response Members Garrett Doucette and Seth Strassburg, Reva VanVleet with CEDA, MC Record reporter Sheila McCoy, Public Works Frank Koopmeiners, and City Clerk/Treasurer Michelle Stevens.
Minutes: Lange moved to approve minutes from January 7 City Council Meeting, 2nd by westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Bartells moved to approve minutes from January 7 City Special Closed Council Meeting, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Added agenda items: Lange moved to approve the agenda as presented, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Department Reports: Economic Development: Reva VanVleet with CEDA reported on the grants for the City park.
Bartells moved to approve applying to the MN State Arts Board Festival Grant to put a mural on the south side of the Community Center, 2nd Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
The Council directed Reva to look into more grants for the arts in the community.
Maintenance Report: Koopmeiners reported on water and sewer levels.
Koopmeiners also explained the proposal from Minnesota Rural Water for GPS Data Collection/ GIS Mapping. They would map all the water mains and sewer mains and GPS the valves and curb stops, etc. This would also be put on a vinyl map. The cost for this would be $6,000; SouceWell stated they would pay for half the cost. The total cost for the City would be approximately $3,000.00.
Benson moved to approve the proposal from Minnesota Rural Water to do the GPS Data Collection / GIS Mapping, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Paul Hoeschen from Minnesota Rural Water is doing a energy audit on the water plant to help with conservation.
Fire Department Report: Training in January on extrication. The regular meeting is postponed to this Wednesday due to the weather.
Rescue Squad: Report was submitted. The car extrication training on January 26 at the fire hall with the Fire Department was successful. They will also have a refresher course coming up.
Lisa (George) resigned in January.
Lange moved to approve the First Response Team Bylaws/Handbook as presented, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
City Office Report: Stevens reviewed the February Calendar.
Planning Commission: The Planning Commissioners presented a proposed Inflow and Infiltration Ordinance to the Council including a proposed Inspection Sheet. Mayor Johnson suggested that the newsletter should go out with information on Inflow and Infiltration before the Council holds a public hearing on the approving the Ordinance.
Benson stated that we need to be judicious on how we are going to go about finding out the specific information from each household.
UCDC: Bartell reported that the board has new people who would like to join. Bartells made a motion to approve Crystal Benson, Don Trettel, and Cindy Kuepers as new members, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Lange moved to separate the financials for Heritage days from the City and directed Stevens to write a check to the Upsala Heritage Days Committee once their account has been established, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Recreation Board: The January minutes from the Rec Board meeting were presented.
New Business: St. Mary’s Gambling Permit: Lange moved to approve the Gambling Permit for St. Mary’s raffle on April 12 of this year with no waiting period, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Lion’s Donation – Resolution 2-4-19-1
Lange moved to approve resolution 2-4-19-1 a resolution approving a $360 donation from the Upsala Lions to the Upsala First Response Team from, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolutions to move money into the appropriate accounts
Bartells moved to approve Resolution 2-4-19-2 a resolution to move money from the Walnut Ave. Project to the Walnut Debt Service Fund, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Bartells moved to approve Resolution 2-4-19-3 a resolution to move money from the Street Reconstruction Project to the Street Reconstruction Debt Service Fund, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Westrich moved to approve Resolution 2-4-19-4 a resolution to move money from the Maintenance Buidling Project to the Maintenance Building Debt Service Fund, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
GASB Reporting:Stevens explained the State’s reporting requirements on the GASB 68 & GASB 71. She also shared with the Council that the Firemen’s Relief Association has agreed to look into changing their retirement program to PERA; and that if they choose not to convert to PERA, they will pay for the costs of the actuary reports that the state requires.
Online Payments for Utility Bills: Stevens asked the Council if it would be prudent to look into online payments for the residents to pay their City utility bills. The Council directed Stevens to put a survey in the newsletter.
Acknowledgements: To Joan Olson for continuing to work with Michelle and coding the bills. It is prudent to have a second pair of eyes on the accounts. Even though you are not a councilmember this year, you still are willing to volunteer your time and talent to the City.
Financials: Lange moved to approve the bills as presented, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Next Regular City Council Meeting will be March 4 at 7:00 pm.
Adjourn; Lange moved to adjourn at 8:52 p.m., 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Michelle Stevens, Clerk/Treasurer