Call to Order/Attendance: The City Council meeting was called to order at Upsala City Hall by Mayor Rollie Johnson at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said.
On roll call members present were: Mayor Rollie Johnson, Council Members Dennis Westrich, Crystal Benson, and Brian Lange. Absent: Lana Bartells
People present: First Response Members Marybeth Doucette, Garrett Doucette, Andrea Douvier, Jim Douvier, and President Seth Strassberg; Kevin Breth, Darlene Maciej, Fire Chief Jay Baggenstoss, MC Record reporter Sheila McCoy, CEDA Robert Harris, Public Works Director Mike Tschida, and City Clerk/Treasurer Michelle Stevens.
Minutes: Westrich moved to approve minutes from December 2, 2019 City Council Meeting, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Added agenda items: Westrich moved to approve the agenda as presented, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Department Reports:
Economic Development: Robert Harris with CEDA updated the Council on what is on his agenda, he also reviewed the results of the Health Needs Survey.
Harris introduced the idea of creating an Economic Development Authority.
Benson moved to reschedule the Short-term/Long-term planning meeting from January 20 to February 11 at 6:30 p.m., 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Harris also shared with the Council the email the City received from Upsala, Ontario, Canada asking us to be a sister city.
Fire Department Report: Garrett Doucette discussed the grant the Department received for a new washing machine for the turnout gear including electrical and installation. The total grant awarded is $9,918.90; the City is responsible for the estimated difference of $1,102.10.
Lange moved to approve the grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety in the amount of $9,919.90 to purchase and install a new washing machine in the fire hall, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Baggenstoss reported that only five departments in Minnesota received FEMA grant money last year; the department was disappointed they did not get a grant for turnout gear.
Westrich moved to hire a grant writer for writing a FEMA grant in 2020 for turnout gear, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Benson moved to approve Jay Baggenstoss as Fire Chief, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Fire Chief Jay Baggenstoss reported on the results of the Fire Departments recommendations for officers for 2020; Assistant Chief Nick Johnson, Captains Mike Kremers, Steve Heesen and Brian Lange, training officer Joe Trettel, and safety officer Steve Hansen.
Rescue Squad: Strassburg submitted their report with recommendation of officers for the First Response Team. Benson moved approve the First Response Team with President: Andrea Douvier; Vice President: Garrett Doucette; Secretary: Andrew Wensmann; Training Officer: Danielle Haus; and Safety Officer: Seth Strassburg, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Maintenance Report: Tschida reported on water and sewer levels.
He also stated that cars and trailers parked in the streets are still an issue when snowplowing. Mayor Johnson said he will reach out to Sheriff Shawn Larsen to help work on ticketing the vehicles that are in the streets when the plow truck goes through.
The cylinder on the bucket truck is getting repaired.
He and Koopmeiners will start putting airlines for the air compressor in the maintenance building.
The toilet in the water plant will get replaced.
He is trying to resolve the issues with a head on a chlorine tank.
City Office Report: Stevens reviewed the January Calendar.
The Council agreed for Stevens to extend her hours at City Hall from 32 hours a week to 36 hours a week when necessary.
Johnson explained the change in copier/printer machines; in order for the City to distribute the City’s newsletter to everyone in the area via the Morrison County Record, the newsletter would need to have zero staples. With the idea of printing on 11 x 17 paper, the City could print 1,100 copies and have them distributed via the Morrison County Record cheaper than mailing the newsletter out to 240 residents.
Unfinished Business: Due to the holidays and limited time, Benson postponed the research on Recognition Mugs until the new year.
Pam Whitmore with the League of MN Cities sent recommendations to the Council concerning the meeting she directed in December about resolving conflict.
Council directed Stevens to request Whitmore to attend February Council Meeting.
Whitmore also sent a thank you note to follow up.
New Business:
Toning Plus Contract: Benson moved to approve the 2020 contract with Toning Plus/James Warga, 2nd by lange. Motion carried unanimously.
LMC Elected Leaders Conference: Lange move to approve up to two Council members to attend the Elected Leaders Conference in Baxter, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
2019 Designations & Appointments: Benson moved to approve the appointments for 2020 as discussed, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Morrison County Record as Legal Publisher: Benson moved to approve the Morrison County Record as the City’s legal publisher, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Allowing Transfer of Electronic Funds – Resolution 1-6-20-1
Lange moved to approve Resolution 1-6-20-1 allowing the Transfer of Electronic Funds, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Allowing Handwritten and Computer Generated Checks – Resolution 1-6-20-2
Lange moved to approve Resolution 1-6-20-2 allowing Handwritten and Computer Generated Checks, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
2020 Fee Schedule – Resolution 1-6-20-3
Lange moved to approve Resolution 1-6-120-3 adopting the 2020 Fee Schedule as discussed, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Liability Coverage Waiver
Lange moved to not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Board of Appeals and Equalization Training
The Board of Appeals and Equalization meeting with the County is scheduled for Wednesday, April 22, 2020.
MN Power Donation: Benson moved to accept resolution 1-6-20-4 a resolution to accept a donation of $2000.00 from Minnesota Power given to the City of Upsala for Park Improvements, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
St. Mary’s One Day Liquor License: Lange moved to approve the one-day liquor license for St. Mary’s Church for February 15, 2020, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
St. Mary’s Gambling Permits: Westrich move to approve lawful gambling to St. Mary’s with no waiting period on February 16, 2020, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Benson moved to approve lawful gambling to St. Mary’s with no waiting period on April 3, 2020, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Morrison County Animal Humane Society: No action was taken.
John & Jodi Morrison offered their space to store the books from the Library while new carpeting was being installed in the Sytek Building; your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Last year’s holiday lights winners (Brady Burggraff, Scott Wensmann and Scott Taylor) were this year’s judges. Appreciation for your time and energy in helping judge this year.
Congrats to this year’s holiday lights winners: Residential: Julie & Dan Burggraff, Lana & Lary Bartells, and Melanie and Mark Gilles. Business: Upsala Community Center, Schultz Auctioneers & Landmark Realty, and Nelson Insurance.
Robert Harris, Community Economic Development Associate, created our Health Needs Survey and also designed a power point presentation that summarizes the information. Kudos to Robert for helping Upsala get closer to an Assisted Living Facility in our community.
Financials: Benson moved to approve the bills as presented, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Updates/FYI: Next Regular City Council Meeting will be February 3 at 7:00 p.m.
Adjourn: Lange moved to adjourn at 8:52 pm, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Michelle Stevens, Clerk/Treasurer