Call to Order/Attendance: The City Council meeting was called to order at Upsala City Hall by Mayor Rollie Johnson at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said.
On roll call members present were: Mayor Rollie Johnson, Brian Lange, Dennis Westrich and Crystal Benson; Absent: Lana Bartells
People present: MC Record reporter Sheila McCoy, First Responder Seth Strassberg, First Response Team President Steve Hansen, Darlene Maciej, Community Economic Development Associates Ron Zeigler, Public Works Director Mike Tschida, Public Works PT Frank Koopmeiners, and City Clerk/Treasurer Michelle Stevens.
Minutes: Lange moved to approve minutes from June 3, 2019 City Council meeting, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Added agenda items: Lange moved to approve the agenda as presented, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Presentation, Citizen Appeals: Darlene Maciej is planning to have a Kids Day June 17, 2020 with a goal to have the project be supported by the Upsala Lions. It would be an activities day for the kids including a race, an obstacle course and disc golf.
Economic Development: Community Economic Development Associates President Ron Zeigler presented several items to address issues that were brought up by Johnson and Stevens.
Maintenance Report: Koopmeiners reported on water and sewer levels. He also reported on the discharge samples.
Tschida explained the need for a backpack weed sprayer.
Tschida also reported on the water leak at Lange Oil.
Koopmeiners shared how the purchase of an Uninterruptable Power Source (UPS) saved the City from the need to purchase the new computer screen for the water plant computer.
Koopmeiners is working with Joe from Minnesota Rural Water, the goal is to do the test July 15 or 16.
Fire Department Report: Lange explained the Upsala Fire Department has a plan for Heritage Days. He also stated the pumper training went well; everyone had a turn to practice.
Benson moved to adopt resolution 7-1-19-1 accepting grant money from the Department of Natural Resources for the purchase of new pagers in the amount of $1400.00, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
First Responders: The First Response Team minutes were presented.
Strassberg explained how the team is now trained to administer more medications prior to the arrival of an ambulance when they are on a call. They are set for Heritage Days and are working on the open house which includes their gun raffle on October 6.
The council reviewed the proposed First Response Team Ordinance. Benson moved to call for a public hearing to discuss the propsed First Response Team Ordinance August 5 at 7:15 p.m. during the regular City Council Meeting, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
As a transition to the upcoming ordinance for the First Response Team, Benson moved to thank the current First Response Team Board of Directors for their diligent work to create a successful Team under the City’s umbrella for the last couple of years, and to dismiss the Board of Directors; as of today the leadership will be restructured to Officers: a president namely Steve Hansen, a vice president namely, Seth Strassberg, a secretary namely Garrett Doucette, and a training officer namely James Warga to hold office until the end of 2019, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
City Office Report: Stevens reviewed the July Calendar.
Stevens explained how with the switch to a different checking account with Stearns Bank, the City will now gain 1% interest on the checking account instead of the 0.5% they were receiving before.
Stevens also described how it is a hardship for the Liquor License owners to have to renew their license at the first of the year. Lange moved to change to Liquor Licensing date to April 1 of each year and to extend the 2019 license to April 1, 2020, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission: Lange updated the Council on what the Planning & Zoning Commissioners have been working on.
Lange moved to approve a lot split – dividing parcel located at 155 Walnut Avenue into two parts; with approximately one acre going to the Upsala American Legion for their Memorial Park, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
UCDC: Benson shared the progress of Heritage Days which is set for August 9-11 and explained that that the raffle proceeds will be going to City Park improvements.
Benson suggested inviting business owners to join the Upsala Community Development Committee.
Recreation Board: Rec Board will meet July 23 at 7:00 p.m.
Unfinished Business
Crack/Fill/ Pothole Repairs: Johnson stated that All Things Asphalt filled in the cracks in the city streets last month, and that the potholes are scheduled to be filled later this summer.
Heritage Days Funds: Benson updated the Council on where the Heritage Days Committee is at in the process of getting a separate checking account.
Boom Truck from Sytek: Johnson stated that the City agreed to purchase the boom truck from Sytek Communications for $4,500.00.
Cash Basis Accounting: At the last meeting City Auditor Jon Archer questioned if the City was going to go strictly with a Cash Basis for accounting or to use the Regulatory Basis of Accounting which keeps the proprietary funds still being reported under full accrual accounting. Stevens shared the resolution that was passed in April stating that the City chose to go with the Regulatory Basis of Accounting.
New Business:
Initiative Foundation donation: Lange moved to give $360 to the Initiative Foundation in 2020, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Preschool Kids Playing in the Streets: Johnson shared his concern about little kids playing in the streets. The Council would like to send out a friendly reminder to be aware of where our children are and please have them play in their yards, or parks, etc.
Bicycles on the Sidewalks: Johnson explained that people in town are using the sidewalks to navigate. He stressed that bicycles should be driven on the streets using the same rules as other vehicles.
Refinance the Walnut Street Bond: Stevens explained how the City is paying a high interest percentage on their GO TIF Bond 2014B. Working with David Drown’s Financial Advisor Jason Murray, the City can reduce the interest rate on the bond if they choose. Benson moved to refinance the Walnut Street Bond, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Acknowledgements: Frank Koopmeiners has officially retired as the Full-Time Public Works Director for the City of Upsala. He has worked for the City for over 30 years and we are grateful for his dedication and service to our community for all these years. There will be an official retirement party after the regular City Council Meeting on September 3. Everyone in the Community is welcome!
Financials: Lange moved to approve the bills as presented, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Updates/FYI: Next regular Council Meeting – August 5
Heritage Days – August 9-11
Adjourn: Benson moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Michelle Stevens, Clerk/Treasurer