Call to Order/Attendance: The City Council meeting was called to order at Upsala City Hall by Mayor Rollie Johnson at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said.
On roll call members present were: Mayor Rollie Johnson, Crystal Benson, Brian Lange, and Mitch Lange; Absent: Lana Bartells.
Staff present: First Response Vice President Andrea Douvier, Public Works Director Mike Tschida, and City Clerk-Treasurer Michelle Stevens.
Minutes: Benson moved to approve minutes from May 3, 2021 City Council Meeting, 2nd by Mitch Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Brian Lange moved to approve minutes from May 10, 2021 Special City Council Meeting, 2nd by Mitch Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Added agenda items: Benson moved to approve the agenda as presented, 2nd by Mitch Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Fire Department Report: Brian Lange informed the Council the helmets for the new turnout gear are here.
The Fireboard met in May to discuss the requested raise in pensions for the Firemen’s Relief Association. They recommend the City raise the firemen’s pension from $600.00 to $800.00 per year of service; this would not create an added expense to the city or the other entities being served.
Benson moved to raise the Upsala Firemen’s Relief Association pension from $600.00 to $800.00 per year of service, 2nd by Mitch Lange. Motion carried with Brian Lange Abstaining.
First Response Team: Douvier updated the Council on the First Response Team activities. The team will put together a committee for events they will host at Heritage Days.
Maintenance Report: Tschida reported on water and sewer levels as well as the various tasks done throughout the City. He also updated the council on his monthly activities.
There are no gutters on the maintenance building. The quote for gutters is approximately $1800.00. Council directed Tschida to move forward with the gutter installation.
City Office Report: Stevens reviewed the calendar. The Council scheduled a Planning Meeting for June 23, 2021 at 6:00 pm and a Budget Meeting for August 9, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
Planning Commission: Lange reported on the Planning Commission’s meeting.
Benson moved to hold a Public Hearing to consider up to 40 ducks being housed at 204 Basswood Ave. on July 6, 2021, at 7:30 pm during the regular City Council Meeting, 2nd by Mitch Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Recreation Board: Johnson explained the changes at the Rec building. Mel and Joyce Larson will no longer be in charge of the Rec Building. Stevens has been assigned to take on the scheduling duties. Tschida has been assigned to clean and maintain the building.
Unfinished Business: Heritage Days Meeting: Benson reviewed the Heritage Days meeting that was held May 18 and reminded everyone of the meeting set for June 15.
Upsala Senior Living: Mayor Rollie Johnson plans to meet with Tim Matros on the current stages of the Upsala Senior Living facility in June.
New Business: Next City Council Meeting – due to Independence Day: Brian Lange moved to have the July Council meeting on Tuesday the 6th at 7:00 pm because the 5th is designated as a Federal Holiday, 2nd by Mitch Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Lease Agreement with Stearns Bank: Discussion was had to decide if there was a more financially responsible place to house City Hall. Mitch Lange recommended that the City Hall and Office be moved from the Stearns Bank Building to the Rec Building where Toning Plus used to be; this would save the city approximately $12,000.00 a year.
Benson moved to sign a lease agreement with Stearns Bank for 1 year with the intention to do a month-by-month lease after that until the city can move into the Rec Building, 2nd by Mitch Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Mitch Lange moved to direct staff to do a feasibility study on the Rec Building to create a City Hall and Office space in the Toning Plus area, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Review Fee Schedule: Brian Lange moved to waive the transient merchant fees for Dustin Hollerman to sell ice cream out of his ice cream truck however he needs to give a copy of his liability insurance and a copy of a background check, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
ARPA: The American Recovery Plan Act created money to go to local governments.
Benson moved to adopt Resolution 6-7-2021-1, a resolution accepting money via the American Recovery Plan Act to be used as the city deems prudent, 2nd by Brian Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Acknowledgements: Wanda Erickson has been the City’s Librarian since its birth in 1987. We cannot thank her enough for creating a library in our community! We also are blessed and grateful for all the wisdom and generosity she has given our city as well! Wanda may your next chapter in your life be as full of adventure as this one was.
Appreciation to the Upsala American Legion and everyone involved with the Memorial Day Service and luncheon.
Financials: Brian Lange moved to approve the bills as presented, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Updates/FYI: July 6 -Tuesday the next Regular City Council Meeting will be at 7:00 pm.
Adjourn: Benson moved to adjourn at 8:38 pm, 2nd by Brian Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Michelle Stevens, Clerk/Treasurer