Call to Order/Attendance: The City Council meeting was called to order at Upsala City Hall by Mayor Rollie Johnson at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said.
On roll call members present were: Mayor Rollie Johnson, Council Members Dennis Westrich, Lana Bartells, Crystal Benson and Brian Lange.
People present: Pamela Witmore with the League of Minnesota Cities, First Response Vice President Garrett Doucette, First Response Team President Andrea Douvier, Community Development Associate Robert Harris, Darlene Maciej, MC Record reporter Sheila McCoy, Public Works Director Mike Tschida, and City Clerk/Treasurer Michelle Stevens.
Minutes: Lange moved to approve minutes from February 3, 2020 City Council Meeting, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Bartells moved to approve minutes from February 11, 2020 City Long-Term Planning Meeting, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Added agenda items: Lange moved to approve the agenda as presented, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Presentation, Citizen Appeals: Pamela Witmore with the League of Minnesota Cities discussed how to move forward with learning conflict management.
Department Reports:
Economic Development: Robert Harris with CEDA reviewed his report.
Harris discussed the DNR Grant.
Benson moved to approve resolution 3-2-20-1, a resolution supporting the outdoor recreation grant application through the Department of Natural Resources, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
The Home Show was discussed and a signup sheet was sent around to help stay at the booth.
Harris gave a presentation on how an Economic Development Authority can benefit our community.
Fire Department Report: Lange stated that the washing machine has been installed at the Fire Hall. The dryer still needs assembling.
June 13 is the Ride for Heroes sponsored by the MN American Bikers for Awareness, Training and Education Chapter to raise funds for the Fire and First Response Team.
Rescue Squad: Doucette stated that the Rescue Team had five calls this month. Four members attended the EMS Conference Training Saturday, February 8.
Maintenance Report: Tschida reported on water and sewer levels. He also explained the panel view is on order.
Tschida and Koopmeiners took down the snowflakes this morning.
The waste water permit stated that the City needs to do an Inflow and Infiltration Report and plan.
City Office Report: Stevens reviewed the March Calendar reminding everyone of the Presidential Nomination Primary Election tomorrow, March 3 from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm.
Planning Commission: The commissioners approved a Conditional Use Permit Laura Hanson requested to have up to 10 chickens and requested a public hearing for this CUP.
Westrich moved to have a public hearing for a CUP for chickens at 117 Borgstrom Street to be held on April 6 at 7:30 pm during the regular City Council Meeting, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
The commissioners are developing guidelines for poultry in the City.
The commissioners also requested to have a public hearing to rezone property for the possible assisted living located on West Walnut Avenue.
Bartells moved to have a public hearing to rezone parcel 47.0129.003 from agricultural to commercial to be held on April 6 at 7:45 pm during the regular City Council Meeting, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Heritage Days Committee: Benson stated they picked “The Roaring 20’s” as the theme for this year. The garden tractor pull will not be available at this year’s celebration. The Committee is still looking for more members.
Recreation Board: No meeting was held. Johnson stated 80 chairs have been ordered by the Lions and will be here at the end of the week. The archery club is winding down for the season.
Westrich stated that the hot water heaters need updating.
Unfinished Business: Bartells stated that the recognition mugs are in and passed one around to view.
Johnson stated that he has gave Robert Harris the names and numbers to work on public transportation.
Johnson walked through the color-coded map that was generated out of the Long-Term City Planning meeting.
New Business:
Board of Appeal & Equalization: The Board of Appeal and Equalization will be meeting Wednesday, April 22 at 11:00 am; Westrich, Benson, Bartells and Johnson will be attending the meeting.
Comprehensive Plan: The City’s Comp Plan is outdated. Tad Erickson and Matt Kallroos with Region Five work with Cities to update their comp plans. Johnson will reach out to them.
UBA Raffle: Bartells moved to approve the gambling permit for the Upsala Ballpark Association August 8, 2020 with no waiting period, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Fire Board Budget: Bartells followed up concerning a phone call she received from Jerry Theisen who questioned the Fire Board Invoicing.
Kudos to Garrett Doucette for proposing the idea of a wheelchair accessible swing in the City Park!
Great appreciation to Jay Baggenstoss and Paul Kasella who offered six hours of their time and talents to help with Becker Fire.
Financials: Lange moved to approve the bills as presented, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Updates/FYI: Next Regular City Council Meeting will be April 6, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
Adjourn: Benson moved to adjourn at 8:55 pm, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Michelle Stevens, Clerk/Treasurer