The City Council meeting was called to order at Upsala City Hall by Mayor Rollie Johnson at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said.
On roll call members present were: Mayor Rollie Johnson, Brian Lange, Dennis Westrich and Lana Bartells.
Absent: Crystal Benson
People present: MC Record reporter Sheila McCoy, Mike Tschida, First Responder President Steve Hansen, Darlene Maciej, Public Works Frank Koopmeiners, and City Clerk/Treasurer Michelle Stevens.
Minutes: Lange moved to approve minutes from april 1, 2019 City Council meeting, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Maintenance Report: Koopmeiners reported on water and sewer levels.
Fire Department Report: The Fire Department presented their March minutes.
First Responders: The First Response Team minutes were presented. First Response Team President Steve Hansen stated the department will purchase two oxygen tanks at a cost of $198.00.
The First Response Team is having a picnic meal at the Rec Building after the Memorial Day Ceremony at the softball park.
City Office Report: Stevens reviewed the May Calendar.
Planning Commission: Lange updated the Council on what the Planning & Zoning Commissioners have been doing.
UCDC: Westrich shared the progress of Heritage Days which is set for August 9-11.
Recreation Board: Report was submitted.
Public Works Position: Lange moved to approve to hire Michael Tschida, and the hiring agreement that was presented, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business:
Board of Appeals and Equalization Meeting
Johnson reviewed the minutes from the Board of Appeals and Equalization meeting held on April 22.
Crack Fill & Street Repair: Johnson discussed the crack fill and repair quotes for the street’s cracks and potholes. With the repair in the Uptown Alley and the repair on Olson Blvd, he estimates it will be a little over $23,000.00. Bartells made a motion to repair the streets at a cost of no more than $25,000.00, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried unanimously.
Certificate of Commendation: Johnson gave Koopmeiners a Certificate of Commendation from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for compliance and having all his reports completed and submitted on time.
City Office Intern: Stevens stated the City Office will be having a new intern, Kyle Bushaw. He will be working approximately two to three days a week until his allotted 640 hours have been used.
50th Street Dust Control: Westrich moved to approve Elmdale Township to apply dust control on 50th Avenue for ½ mile, 2nd by Batrtells. Motion carried with Johnson abstaining.
Heritage Days/ UCDC Responsibilities: The Council discussed how to separate Heritage Days Funds from the City’s UCDC funds. They also walked through the responsibilities of each group. Lange moved to have the Heritage Days group separate from the City and be called the Upsala Heritage Days Committee, and directed them open their own checking account to manage the festival which will include a monthly treasurer’s report; the Upsala Community Development Commission will still be under the City’s financial umbrella -currently hosting the Christmas Lights Contest and the City Wide Garage Sale, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Acknowledgements: The Council sent out kudos to the Upsala Area High School Student Council and their advisor Aaron Fisher along with the First Response Team and the Fire Department for hosting the mock car crash. They brought in the Morrison County Sheriff’s Department, North Air helicopter, Gold Cross, the Minnesota State Highway Patrol, and Miller-Carlin Funeral Home to make the event very real and extremely pertinent now that it’s prom, and with graduation just around the corner.
Financials: Lange moved to approve the bills as presented, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Updates/FYI: Next regular Council Meeting – June 3
City Wide Garage Sale May 17 & 18
City Wide Clean Up Day Saturday, June 1
Adjourn: Lange moved to adjourn at 8:19 pm, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Michelle Stevens, Clerk/Treasurer