Call to Order/Attendance: The City Council meeting was called to order at Upsala City Hall by Mayor Rollie Johnson at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said.
On roll call members present were: Mayor Rollie Johnson, Brian Lange, Dennis Westrich, Lana Bartells, and Crystal Benson.
People present: Upsala First Response Team Vice President Seth Strassberg, Public Works Director Mike Tschida, Public Works Asst. Frank Koopmeiners, Engineer Scott Hedlund, and City Clerk/Treasurer Michelle Stevens.
Minutes: Benson moved to approve minutes from August 5, 2019 City Council meeting, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Added agenda items: Lange moved to approve the agenda as presented, 2nd by Westrich. Motion carried unanimously.
Department Reports:
Economic Development: Stevens explained that Tara was let go of her position with CEDA; they are currently looking for someone to replace her. In the interim, the staff at CEDA have stepped up to help Upsala including the president, vice president and other staff.
Joya, CEDA vice president, presented an update on what they are working on. Ron Zigler, president, has stayed in close contact with Stevens and shared the grants bulletin.
Annie, a CEDA Community and business Development Specialist, wrote a grant for playground equipment for the park.
Bartells made a motion to approve the GameTime Grant of $6952.00 with the City paying the other portion, $14,387.74, towards the playground equipment, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Fire Department Report: Fire Department minutes were presented. Heritage Days was a success. Lange explained that they are planning on doing a water rescue training on open water in September. October will be the Open House in conjunction with the First Response Team.
First Responders: The First Response Team minutes were presented. Strassberg shared they had three calls for the month. He said they didn’t make as much money at their food booth for Heritage Days; they believe it was due to the weather. Strassberg said they will be having a gun raffle; the tickets will be going out shortly. He also stated the Open House is October 6, 2019 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Maintenance Report: Tschida reported on water and sewer levels. He also reported on the discharge samples.
Tschida shared that Minnesota Rural Water was here last week to plot water and sewer lines, shut off valves, etc. for the GIS mapping. He stated they plan to start jetting the sewer lines shortly. He also shared that the computer at the water plant has been working with no glitches so far. And the tree in the park that went down will be cleaned up shortly; they will rent a wood chipper to clean up all the branches.
City Office Report: Stevens reviewed the September Calendar.
Stevens stated that her Notary Commission will expire in a couple of months. Lange moved to have Stevens renew her Notary Commission, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission: Lange updated the Council on what the Planning & Zoning Commissioners have been working including a permit request from Jason Malisheske to build a garage on his property, an animal ordinance, and they are planning an open house meeting for the community.
UCDC: Benson share they will be meeting this month to go over the results of Heritage Days.
Short Term Disability: Stevens shared that both she and Tschida signed up for short-term disability and will have their payments taken out of their monthly paycheck.
New Business:
League of Minnesota Cities Regional Meeting: Benson made a motion to approve up to five people to attend the LMC Regional meeting in Wait Park on October 16, 2019, 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Don Trettel came and helped Tschida and Koopmeiners bag all the grass clippings in the park before Heritage Days. Your help didn’t go un-noticed, Don!
Kudos to Mark Gilles for encouraging folks from Grantsburg, WI to come to Upsala for the Heritage Days Celebration; they thoroughly enjoyed their time here.
Pat Zehrer deserves credit for the work done to put up the masonry in the American Legion Memorial Park.
Admiration and praise to the Heritage Days Committee, the Fire and First Response Teams, and all the volunteers that helped make Heritage Days a huge success.
Financials: Lange moved to approve the bills as presented, 2nd by Benson. Motion carried unanimously.
Next regular Council Meeting – Monday, October 7, 2019
Adjourn: Westrich moved to adjourn at 8:07 p.m., 2nd by Bartells. Motion carried unanimously.
Michelle Stevens, Clerk/Treasurer